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Image Comments posted by ian_clark3



    I have a HDR version of this tree here as well but this is just the single

    shot version of this little mangrove all alone facing another sunrise.


    Comment and suggestions welcome



    As far as rules go there is not much right with this one. Nothing really

    falls on a third, usually they say use an odd number of objects and the

    focal point is off to the left side.


    But it kinda works, I do like the contrast of the white posts and the

    redish rust against the purples of the sunset. Thoughts please?



    This is 3 RAW images combined as a HDR photo. I dont mind the

    process no although on whindy days you do sacrafice some movement

    in the leaves when bracketing shots.

    Rock on Sunset


    I HDR'd 5 images all shot in raw with my Nikon D300 and 10-20mm

    sigma lens. HDR is starting to grow on me now the trick seems to be to

    take more shots either 5 or 7 is way better than 3.

  1. I was practically laying in water to get low enough to get the stones into

    the foreground. Its a single shot and I have a 5 shot HDR in the forum for

    comment as well if you want to compare the look.



    I never taken any photos of orchids even though my dad grew them in his glass house. They are so complex and have challanges in the depth of field but I reckon you have got this one really well. Probably the mottled background spoils it a little. You see lots of great flower shots these days done in studios where they can control the background and lighting. what you can do however is get some cheap sheets of cardboard from a local news agent or stationary shop to use as background. They fit easily in a back pack and you only need 5 or 6 colours about A4 size. for this one a black background would help for example.


    Just a suggestion Paul, hope it helps.


    Beautiful shop, well composed. Maybe a little too much red in it even the clouds seem to have red through them. Black and White would also look great but this is eye catching. Well done Josh
  2. great shot great colours. An improvement might be to have got the tripod and camera a bit lower so you could still capture the lake but get the horizon down to about a third of the way into the photo. I guess you kept it hight to capture some reflection in the water.


    Great shot and it looks like you might have got wet feet so even more well done.

  3. fantastic shot and good on you for being out there at that time. Maybe cut a bit of dark foreground off if you have some sky to spare on the original but it's a great shot anyway. I'd love to have seen a panoroma of this scene.

    Enduring the Sun


    I like it, very different. I have a nagging feeling the horizon may not be quite flat and tilts slightly to the left but you have to be picky to worry about it. I like that you have the one shot thing happening, this would be so easy to HDR which I'm not a fan of.


    Well done.



    a little blurry for me Michael although that could be fog but even the leaves in the foreground lack clarity/sharpness. I think the camera was also tilted to the left slightly. I like what you have tried and your composition in solid. If you coule get a more overcast day to darken that sky You would be terr off als.


    Nice effort and you have an eye for good composition.


    very simple and very good. I like it a lot. the horizon is a bit distracting as my eye keeps wanting it to be horizontal but i still like the photo.



    Thanks for your feedback. The foreground is not actually water it's mud. The tide is out and at Cleveland as with all of Moreton Bay low tied means mud flats. I took this photo on the outgoing tied so the mud was still wet and reflected the sunset. I've not worked the mud at all it's right from the camera. You can just see a tiny bit of water on the right hand side.


    Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming.



    These two little tress have recently drowned with the rising water as the

    drought has broken. They stand there defiant against a cold, wet and

    whindy morning.



    This is 5 photos overlapping and the edges erased to give the effect of

    them all being side by side. Thoughts......



    This was taken in RAW and processed twice to get the sky blue. I did

    the clouds first then went back and processed the raw again with the

    temprature really low. I pasted the cold one over the norm as a mask

    and erased all around the white sky leaving the little blue patch.



  4. I have no doubt the dynamic range was very difficult to capture here from the shadows to the sunlight reflections. To me it looks grainy and maybe thats what treatments have been done to it. It looks like its been through HDR process or over lightened in some places then photos can look very different on different screens.


    Mary your animals and micro work in your portfolio are fantastic by the way.

  5. I think you got it well todd. Very nice indeed. If you boost the contrasr you may loose some of the detail within in water which is very clear as you can see the bottom. Might be worth a try but for me if you think the waterfall needs some work I'd selectively burn some of the shadows around the rocky areas in the bottom of the pool giving it more depth.



    John i know how hard it is to get the dynamic range looking into the setting sun. The chickens turn side on and use the light and some just go with the trend and HDR everything. It's good to see someone stay pure. You could selectively lighten the bottom half of the photo if you have photo shop elements or one of those programs. Rather than use the dodge tool you can select large area and feather the edges to 250 pixels and then gradually lighten usings levels or brightness. This way you dont lighten the bright parts but you can bing out a bit of detail in areas. In this I'd just lighten the cliffs and temple and maybe the tops of the big rocks in the foreground which would get light anyway.


    Just my suggestion but well donr and great gold capture.

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