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Image Comments posted by ian_clark3

    Dryed out... II


    Jan I'm not sure about this photo. i know most people on this site just leave a "good work" and move on but i like to give my view if i like it or not.


    With this photo i find the lines confusing. My eye starts on the ploughed lines in the foreground but those lines then turn left and go off the page. Then my eyes follow the lines of trees which all head to the left side and my eyes follow them off the page.


    So then my eyes are going all over the place looking for a focal point or some centeral figure to concentrate on. Sometimes i end up with that little roll of hay in the middle but usually I'm wondering what story your trying to tell me.


    Just my views on this. Maybe there is a better vantage point to the left so the lines are more verticle to the photo.

  1. Great photo Brent and well picked out.


    I do however find the street signs distracting for some reason. They are probably just a little bright and tend to drag the eye that way a little more than other things in the photo like the blue truck.


    I probably would also like to see just a little more up the top where the roads cross over just to complete the intersection within the photo.


    All round, great.



    Bill I was flicking through all the landscapes and yours just jumped out, it is so different. Being surrounded by so many traditional landscapes it makes your photo even more different and shows your thinking differently when looking at the environment.


    Well done to see it differently - I think too many photographers follow a traditional path.


    Well done.

  2. Lovely contrasting colours Sigmund and you have captured the place in your photo.


    For me the horizon looks off the horizontal as it seems to be higher on the right side than the left.


    You could have gone a little more to the left for the shot which could have brought the side of the cabin more into the photo as a lead in line to the sunrise. There is also a faint glow around the tree that is on the roof of the cabin. I assume you have made some correction/adjustment to the original photo which could be corrected again to eliminate the glow/fringe.


    Looks like a fantastic place to trek to anyway, fantastic.


    Brilliant - it works for me. The harshness of teh rocks with the hope of nature with it's foothold. If anything I'd lighten that tree just a little but I love it.



    There is something going on here I like, most probably because there is a bridge near me very similar that I cant quite work out either.


    For me there are a few things I'd work on.


    You have taken a long exposure to flatten the water/river but it has also smoothed the sky where the sky needs more drama. Choose a day where the clouds are moving much more slowly which will give you more drama and contrast.


    Maybe some more foreground, it looks like some nice lead in lines but the smoothing of the water has hid some detail in the foreground that would add to the shot.


    When you look at the bridge it kinda drags your eye across it to the right of the photo. If you had a sunrise or sunset behind the bridge your eye would be held more centeral rather than crossing the entire photo.


    I like it enough I commented so well done.

    The Island


    After all those compliments I almost afraid to comment but I also like the photo.


    When I look at it I just want to run like a child down the slope with wild abandon and jup off the edge into the lake/sea.


    For me I'd like to see something in the foreground slow me down first. That plant that is just out of focus would help me if it was in focus by giving the photo a sense of dimension. And, not like a child, I'd want to stop and smell the flowers before running dow the hill.


    The lead lines to the lighthouse are fantastic and they draw the eyes beautifully but the photo takes me on a journey that kinda feels a bit short. The light house is slightly blown out but my head has worked it way down there and wants the detail.


    Just my thoughts, if you walked to the top of that hill, good on you mate.



  3. This looks so clean and clear I can almost breath the mountain air.


    Great job Vincent.


    For me I would probably just darken the rocks in the foreground just a little and add a bit of saturation. I find the first dozen or so rocks a little bright and it distracts from a magnificant reflection. I find my eyes jump from the foreground to the little house then up to the snow and the first couple of times i looked I missed the reflection.


    Gret job, wish I had been to that place.

  4. I do like this shot very much. It has a wonderful golden glow to it. I wonder if you could have gotten just a little more to the left and made a better lead in line from the structure and brought the foreground out a little more.


    Still it must have been a wonderful experience taking the shot - well done.

  5. Yes the colours in the clouds really do make a sunrise/sunset. When I looked at this photo my eyes jumped to the right a little. There is that old fence or pier that leads out into the water and I cant help thinking that might have made a great lead in line. That line also kinda mirrors the break in the clouds above. I'm just wondering if you could have made better use of that although i do see how you have frammed the shot with the rock and the pier.


    Still I like it, lovely pastle colours and nice reflection.

  6. I've tried to take a couple like this myself in Australian Rainforest and have ran across the same issue with the blown out sky and dark patches in the foreground. Only way I found around it is with two graded filters and a polarizing lens to darken the top half. Or else you can get up in the night and treack to the place and be there at dawn but it's a real bugger walking through forests in the dark even with a good torch.


    Sorry for me this photo just does not quite work with the over exposure.

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