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Image Comments posted by ian_clark3



    I was about to leave after the dawn from this spot but looked back once

    more to find the sun casting these rays across the bay. Just goes to

    show the dawn ain't over until it's over.


    What do people think?

  1. Deep in the rainforest I came across this pool and waterfall. I could not

    seem to get a good andle because of the cliffs on either side so I threw

    a handfall of leaves out onto the water. I set an exposure of around 15

    seconds and loaded the lense with as many filters I had to stop over

    exposure as this was bright sunshine and strong contrasts. An

    interesting result - what does anyone think.

  2. great shot and clarity and contrast.


    Composition lets you down a little. you have all the water to the left but the ibis is looking right. you could crop the left off and make it a tall skinny photo which would work or if you have cropped right put it back on and crop left instead.


    The bird shoule be looking into the photo not looking ou of it.



    You have you own style Ash and this is certainly a cracking picture. It's big and it's dramatic and with the light up on the rock cliff my eyes are drawn into the photo. Nice composition the center of focus is clearly in the middle and you eyes dont wander off the photo anywhere.


    I looked at it for a while and then decided I really wanted it in colour, it looks so dramatic. I think it different because of the size and detail of the cliffe where most black and white seascapes are lowe r level ones. I think I'm leaving the photo now a little dissapointed it not colour rather than leaving it with total admiration which it deserves.

  3. Great Shot Paul, a little too close for me I'd be scared unless this is a pet of course.


    Great photo, probably needs either a contract tweak or a saturation tweak it looks just a little milky although the clarity is great. There is a photo on this site somewhere (or was) of a tiger up close like this and the photographer had worked it over to darken all around the edge so it look like the tiger was coming out of the dark with minimal light on it's face to show the clarity and colours. If you going to darken the bear to lift the colours you could try that.


    Great shot anyway as it stands you can be proud of it.

    Salton Sea #2


    For me it's probably a little dark on the right hand side especially in the foreground but that's just me. There looks to be a reflection in the water lying in the foreground that could be brough up more to give that are a bit more interest. In fact for me you could crop a little of the right off and bring the tree to the third rather than the center.


    Anyway hope this helps its a good photo as it stands.

  4. Some would dream of that opportunity to catch a struggle like this. congratulations of being there. A pity none of the pics had the snakes head out but none the less you get the idea of the size of both and the life and death struggle.


    Well done.

  5. Very nice Paul, sometimes I think Australia has not a lot to compare on this site compared to other countries then I supose people in Norther Hemisphere think the same when they see some of our landscapes.


    This is photo of yours is the only one I've seen like it. There are plentry of big rainforests and stuff but this is unique so well done for that.


    Lovely composition as wellit really draws the eye in and the clarity is great. I can see why some think it might be a HDR image. Given what's happened in victoria lately i though it was a bushfire some first off because of the blue tinge.


    Great photo all round pal and one that inspires me to look more at our own environment.



    My first impression of the thumb nail Jon was "oh just another holiday snap", then I noticed the eyes and opened it.


    wow - stunning. A small photo does not do it justice, full screen is brilliant. So different with the face painting and the brilliant and contrasting colours. Stunning clarity as well and great composition.


    i hope you sell it to the festivell organisers it would make a great promotional photo.


    You should maybe put a label on the photo on here to tell eveyone to open it.


    I hope I take one this good and original some day.



  6. i put a darker version of it up on the site as well. This one does look better as the bigger picture when opened. i thought maybe it was a bit blue but that is actually what came out of the camera. Funny thing how the camera can see different colours on a long exposure than does the human eye. When a long exposure flattens to ripples on the water it always amazes me what you see.

    Boats Asleep


    This was taken just earlier than another version I have up here for

    feedback. It's a bit dark as the sunrise was covered by dark rain clouds

    but you have to make the best with what you have. what do people



    thanks in advance.


    It's very good you have an eye for a photo. May have even worked with the first blue leaf more in focus but you have done really well.
  7. Took a 40 minute drive before dawn ony to get there and have rain

    clouds move across where the sun would rise so had to make the best

    of it and wait for the sun to break through somewhere. Grabbed this one

    on a 1 second exposure and have tried to take some of the blue out with

    saturation adjustment. I could have HDR'd it as I took multiple exposure

    but preferred to put an original up here.


    Thoughts/comments please.



    This is a very nice picture with beautiful colours.


    A couple of things though. The picture seems to much to the right, the sun, the tree and the reflections are all on the right where the left side remains mostly dark so the balance is a little out.


    I'd also guess you have lightened the mountain and given you can see detail in the rocks and trees that should be able to be seen in the reflection. As it is the reflection seems darker than the moutain. To balance the photo more and lift the left hand side you could see if you can get any more detail in the reflection on the water.


    Where the mountain has been lightened could use a little lift in contrast.


    Not that I'm a fan of it but this image might go well as a HDR image process a few times.



    Great photo and it's hard to break eye contact with the wolf.


    For me I don't think you need to blur his fur as it goes into the background. You could just leave the deatil in the fur as it goes into the dark. I'm only guessing you blurred it because the hair on his nose in in focus and also his eyes so there was a depth of field greater than whats showing.


    Stunning image, great work



    Museeb it very dramatic country you have photographed and well done. A couple of suggestions.


    The foreground which you have a just the small pebbles probably beside the road wold work better if you had a few big boulders in your foreground. The small stones are man made where you would expect the larger rocks to have fallen.


    You should life your contrast on the photo which would make it a bit more dramatic and the background would come up a bit.


    You could also crop some foreground off ad darken the two closest cliffs a little which would extent the length of the valley you are in as the eyes would be attracted to the light shining on the cliffs in the back of the valley.


    Lots of good stuff here to work with - well done and keep at it.


    Barn Qwl


    I love this as well, great capture great image and clarity.


    I'm a little different to to others as I'd like a bit mote on the right hand side. The cropping to me looks like the owl is a bit shoved into the frame rather than comfortable sitting there. Maybe a few more millimeters of green would balance him out.


    No matter what you have an award winning image.

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