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Image Comments posted by kaya_eli_in

    Traslación 2


    Interesting night shot. The trails of lights are used especially well and they add texture to water also. Zoomout technique at night shots is rarely works good in my opinion and your photo and its nice details are a nice example how it can be used  for more than the effect itself. The half included light trails of the left side bugs me a little but you can't include everything to a photo and they shouldn't be erased because they have very nice reflection on the water. Maybe they could be added to the right side at photoshop to create more symmetrical look. Water of the lower right seems suitable for such a retouch too. A very nice photo. Congratulations.

    Butcher Rome 2010


    Good photo with well framing and a charming expression from the cashier. The breads at the foreground are a tad bit oversaturated for my taste but it is not too much and it could be a personal taste choice to leave them as they are. In this case however the shelves at the left background needs to be burned a little. This area is very slightly brighter than it should be anyways and more importantly the saturation of these region neither matches the foreground breads nor shows the goods there attractively. Burning this area would make the overall exposure better and increase the saturation locally which would be a welcome side benefit I believe. Otherwise a good portrait with a nice environment. Well done.

  1. Nice. Not so long exposure creates a nice texture at the water while retaining the motion blur which is the main strenght of this photo in my opinion. By the way the bright water highlight at the leftmost side could use a little bit spacious framing I believe. If not possible the dark shade of water at the left of this region could be cropped out. Saturation at the rocks fit but it is a little bit too much for my taste. Very nice photo. Congrats.



    Masterfully done. I would add a little bit green saturation. Greens have a nice tone now but they are a bit grayish. Otherwise perfect. Congrats.

    Profile B&W


    Driver failure, eh? I never delete photos from my memory card before making backups at two external hard disk. This is most common approach to safety in these matters and I advise it.

    There is another technique to retouch sharpening however. Since other parts of the image is taking the sharpening very well. Some photographers would use this: Take a very small and totally soft clone stamp brush. Turn the blending mode of it to "darken". Opacity may be %50 or %100. Aligned must be unchecked. Brush out the sharpening halo.When  taking sample follow the curve of the flower. I have done a %50 version of it and this is a somewhat hard image to get it done. But it gets done. 

    I hope this helps. Best regards.


    Siren of Autumn

    Wonderful photo. The logs in the water have nice positions that makes this photo better. Color is good but it is too much saturated in my opinion. It suits but I would like to see the photo itself before instead of the saturation first. Otherwise perfect. Congratulations.



    Good one. I agree with you that blur adds a sense of dimension. But I also agree with Ananda Kumar partially because sharp flovers take a backseat a little compared to the blurry ones since they are very dominant. All white flower are containing a little magenta which is bad in my opinion. Blue channel of this photo is ideal for creating a mask for removing this color cast at flowers only and further enhancing the flower themselves. In attached version I removed magenta from white flowers. Added a little bit contrast and extra sharpening to the sharp flowers selectively. This would help the issue you have been discussing with Ananda Kumar in my opinion. Then I applied a subtle velvia effect to the overall photo which I believe is fitting. I also increased overall contrast using a level adjustment layer with "blend if" option in order to preserve highlight details at the white flowers. I hope my version helps because I would like to contribute to an already very good photo. Best regards.

  2. Very good photo but a bit unsharp. You say that there is no color but I think subtle and monochrome magenta color is nice. Only thing which is wrong here in my opinion is poor post-processing. Otherwise it is perfect. I created a mask from the green channel of this photo. With it I preserved already contrasty net and log. Then applied a magenta photo filter with soft light blending mode . I burned upside of the frame a little bit to preserve detail there. I done it heavly to preserve detail in an obvious matter. Upper area should have been lighter for contrast enhancement created by soft light blending mode to look better but most people have uncalibrated monitors which would blow the details there anyway. Then I inverted the mask to apply sharpening to the net and the log which is desperately needed in my opinion. Please take note that enhancements are done in a modest dose in order to make it closer to the original. For example I didn't remove the heavy and saturated magenta color at the left side of frame. Results is this:



    Interesting. This cat is the most alike looking siamese cat I saw compared to my own. The framing is too tight in my opinion with its paw cut from a uncertain proportion and left (right) ear even more so since it is a cut a tiny bit. The foreground white at the left is blown-out. If the original exposure is raw, it should be recovered I believe. If not it is a good exposure overall. You made me remember my late "Şirin". Best regards.
  3. An original photo of northern lights. Green light is making a nice curve which exits from the upper left corner and makes a good diagonal-like effect. Sky is a clean parliament blue for a change.This is a good example of minimalistic night shots. I am into night photography and I have seen enough photographs to know that this is an example of the better ones. Congratulations.


    Excellent use of very shallow depth of field. Having the ladybug in focus exclusively is an original approach and no small feat to archive. Congratulations.


    Very interesting idea and perfect execution. The tree is broken by the glasses in an interesting way. Having this effect in three clusters by using otherwise cliché position of glasses is creative indeed. Image is overall very bright but contrast is still high and this makes the photo a pleasure to look upon. The tops of the palm trees are positioned very well too. A perfect photo. Congratulations.
  4. One of the finer night shots of your portfolio in my opinion. If the sky was parliament blue it would be even better. The sharp blue object draws unnecessary attention I believe. Otherwise very nice. Congrats.
  5. Good photo. Buildings are making a triangle like space at the center sky. Red sky color is interesting too. Maybe red color is created by light pollution. But there is slight dark haloes at the elges of the buildings which make me suspect otherwise. Angles of the building are very good. I would like to see diffrent versions of the sky though. Best regards.


    I am into night photography and I like fisheye lensees so this is best of both worlds for me. Very nice photo. I would like to see a bit more space at the upper side of the frame though. Anyways good photo. Best regards.
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