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Image Comments posted by kaya_eli_in



    A wonderfully lucky encounter indeed. But the opportunity is used well too I see. Since this subject is very well fitting, I would go to this place and take a photo of it with the backlit sunlight too if possible. Well done. Best regards.



    A good photo. The color of the doors add to the scene and the perspective of the foreground building series is really good. These are depots or workspaces I guess. Their simple and insignificant architecture creates a nice contrast with the beautiful building at the background. Speaking of which this, church lets say, takes a small space in the photo but it is well used and is the main subject of the photo thanks to the power it have by its nice placement according to the rule of thirds. The sunlight which creates a more direct illumination at the foreground stikes the church in a more lateral way thanks to its more dimensional shape and creates shadows at the sides of it. This gives additional power to the church in the frame. Its nice red color creates a color contrast with the blue of the background too. Only thing bothering me is the foregound pavement's excessive dirtiness. But nothing can be done about that. Overall a nice photo which I like very much. Well done. Best regards.

  1. Wonderful. The the crossroad break the grass into nice triangles and the house is placed well according to the rule of thirds. The foliage surrounding the house is very interesting. Perfect photo. Congratulations.



    A very good photo. I find myself hard-pressed to provide the critique you requested because it is already perfect. If you are looking for an idea, I can give you one however. Take a tripod to this scene and capture the same shot at 0,5 or 1 sec shutter speed. Since this photo is taken at 1/250, the reflection has jagged egdes. It is by no means bad. But a more soft reflection can be even better perhaps. Nevertheless a very good photo. Congratulations.



    A good and clean shot. The bee is very interesting because it makes a perfect line which gives it a rocket-like look. I disagree with Mr. Arup about flower's out of focus being a negative. On the contrary this image would be a mediocre one if it was in focus. It is good as it is in my opinion.

    There is a heavy green color cast in the photo however. I would like to present a color corrected version. I also made come contrast enhancements as well as saturation increase with the flower partially exclueded from the color boost. I believe they improve this already beautiful photo. Congratulations for a photo well taken. Best regards.


    india rajastan


    A very good photo. The cow is especially interesting to me since it is a unfamiliar specimen for my country. I would like to see its legs framed in a more spacious manner. The high contrast is well managed as far as I can tell from the final version. I would add some grain to the bright columns which take place at the left side. Since I suspect they had a bit too much detail recovery which is normal considering the contrast level. Adding grain in order to compansate the lack of detail is an old b&w trick which was heavily used at darkroom at old days. Anyways a nice shot. Well done.

    Rule of Third


    A nice photo. I would like to see the unimproved version and comments written for it since it would be educational. I looked at your portfolio but no luck. Could you please e-mail me a link if it is still avaible?

    Anyway, about this one. The framing is carefully made I see from the symmetry of the details at corners. The photo honors the name of rule of thirds since the broken eggs are perfectly placed. The natural monochromatic tones of the overall image compliments the color created by the broken eggs. 

    May I suggest another version of this image which is attached below. I just increased the contrast a little. I also added some yellow saturation for two purposes: One is yellow saturation is not only making the broken eggs look more lively but also adds some detail to the yellow parts of them actually. Second benefit of the mentioned adjustment is enhancing the color contrast which is already present at the image. The cartoon of eggholder and the whites of the eggs are slightly blue tinted which is natural and fitting I believe. Therefore enhancing yellows make the photo look better by boosting the color contrast between yellow which is a warm color and blue which is a cold color.

    A very good photo. Congratulations.


    Emotional Winter


    An emotion of winter indeed. The blue tint is fitting since it is a cold color which goes well with winter scenes. I like the wide and soft shadow of the tree which enriches the already good textured foreground by adding tonal variations. Well done. Best regards.

    Silver and Gold


    A very good photo. Curvy foreground really adds to this one. And the golden reflections are wonderful too. The rock's top is unnaturally black in my opinion and there is some haloes at the sides of it. Otherwise perfect. Best regards.



    Very good photo with fitting blue tones. The animal's expression is very good. But his eyes, together with the mentioned blue tones and black background strikes me as disturbing which is an interesting effect too. Well done. Best regards.

    Lazy Casper


    Now this is super cute. The composition and cat's expression reaches the peak level of your portfolio in my opinion.The contrast issue is also reaches it maximum. Again, I would like to suggest increasing contrast. I burned cat's arm a little bit in order to preserve the detail there during contrast redound.

    This photo is my personal favorite. Best regards.




    I like this one too. Cat has a wonderful expression which is common to this subspecies of domestic cats I believe. I also believe that your photos are severly lacking contrast. I suspect this is due to your monitor which may be too bright and contrasty due to being uncalibrated. Nevertheless histogram shows that this photo mas much unused dynamic range. I would like to present you an retouched version in order to give an opinion about the contrast issue. Please take note that just the overall contrast is increased in moderation and a medium dose of extra sharpening applied to eyes. By the way the cat's hair which is coming in front of the right eye can be excuded from the sharpening by detail masking but I didn't do that because it would take too much time. Anyways. This is a good photo. Best regards.


    The yellow glare


    Very nice kitten with a good framing. I can't say much for critisim for framing and composition. Post-processing could use impovement though. May I suggest increasing contrast a little and also painting in a bit contrast and sharpness into the kitty's eyes. It would make this already charming photo much better. Like this:

  2. A nice effect created by the movement during the long exposure. I like the poses she is in which has no overlap and there is a good connecting blur between two figures which is created by her dorsi I believe. The confidence in her expression and eyes is meaningful. Speaking of which her left (right in the photo) eye is overlapping with her hair which is a minor issue. Nevertheless a very good photo. Congratulations.

  3. A good long exposure shot which is my favorite category. The boats have just the right amount of blur which is making them look nice. The two boats which overlap with the stairs is a bit unfortunate in my opinion. I would take a few steps backwards and leftwards while taking this shot. Apart from the overlapping issue a nice photo. Best regards.

    Xi Xi


    A good portrait. Framing of the girls is spacious which is a welcome but hard to find in portraits these days and her expression is wonderfully different. I cannot pinpoint the word to define her feeling which is the strenght of this photo in my opinion. Closes thing is coming to my mind is melancholic.The high contrast is fitting her especially by making her deep black eyes which are surrounded by whitish skin tones more dominant. A portrait taken very well. Congratulations.

    Alter Ego


    Interesting. Using the position of light instead of positioning object themself to create curves is an original idea. Congratulations.

    surf box


    Very good long exposure with wonderful colors. I would like to see a figure or some surfing equipment at the left side of the photo in order to add a life element. Nevertheless it is beautiful indeed. Best regards.



    Long focal lenght creates a wonderful photo of a beautiful flower by making the sun bigger. Very good photo. Congratulations.

  4. Wonderful photo. As Salvatore Mele stated in his comment on a different version of this photo: http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=4064482 having the skyscrapers in front of the brightest part of the dramatic sky is very fitting. I like panaroma version better than the 3:2 frame albeit I normally don't like panaroma shots. The reason is this version using the road which takes place at the lower left side of the esplanade as a better element of the hole mainly. Regardless both are very good photos. Congratulations.


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