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Image Comments posted by kaya_eli_in

  1. Good one. The cockpit part with the mirror adds a nice curve and the placement of planes is perfect. Reflections are good and fitting. Especially at the lower side I believe because they add a little bit of good detail of cockpit which would be uninteresing if it could be seen directly. Therefore it is not a matter of not bothering but a matter of enhancing the photo in my opinion. The slightly bothering element is a natural one which is the line shaped cloud at the left side of the planes in my taste. It could be easily removed if you agree with me. There is a red lens flare at the upper side of the mirror which is distracting from the main subject but it is easily fixable also. A very good photo. Congratulations.





    Wonderful wide angle distortion enhances the cutie. The photo is almost perfect. The dead yellow flower and half included leafs are unfortunate though. Nevertheless a very good photo. Congratulations.



    I was viewing your portfolio and this is my personal favorite. I see at the other comments that every other commentator mentions the red fish. It is beautiful indeed. But the main strenght of this image is the very nice curve which created by bird itself by taking its own head under its wing. It is magnificent. The red fish is a beautiful too and its saturation level should be a tiny bit increased in my opinion only in order to match the definitely needed saturation increase of blue of the sky. They could add a nice color contrast together. The increase of the red saturation would also increase the warm tones of the white areas of the bird which is better avoided by masking I believe. This areas are already wonderfully tinted with a adequate and rich level of saturation.  Lastly I would apply some local sharpening to the bird's eye since it is a little bit unsharp. The eye is not the only part of the bird which needs retouch at sharpening since its jowl suffers from oversharpening with dark haloes. A common issue at high contrast areas. This photo is wonderful. I enjoyed looking at it and analyzing it. I hope you get enjoyment from receiving a fellow photographer's point of view too. Congratulations and best regards.



    A nice night cityscape. The fine details of city is well exposed. In fact it is mostly safe to assume that this is a digitally blended image. Because it would be hard to get all the details of highlights even at the blue hour with single exposure despite there is still much ambient light at this golden minutes of night photography. Blending is very nicely done and natural looking though. I like it this way. The fine details of city is framed nicely with nothing looks half included or cut in the middle. Maybe the small artificial peninsula could benefit from a more spacious framing. It is a small issue however. The reason of the tiny white light trail still standing on the upper left corner is beyond my comprehension especially when it serves only as a distraction and while it can be done for with a split-second long use of spot-healing brush. And there is another one which is right of it and at the uppermost side of the frame too. The absence of night blue tones is not a small matter but a woe in my opinion. The blue could add a very good color contrast which would go well with the yellow dominant city. It is the only and regretfully the great lacking of this photo I am afraid. Otherwise very well done. Best regards.

    big family


    Perfect framing and depth of field indeed. The series of blurry flowers are extremely nice. The flower at the bottom left corner has a sharp transaction from blurry to in focus and its middle petal bites my eye a little. Maybe it can be excluded at least from the sharpening process since the image is standing astride at the treshold of being oversharpened already. Nevertheless wonderful flower photo. Congratulations.



    A fine night shot. I normally dislike B&W night photos but this one picked my interest. The exposure is well and black sky which normally is a great minus of a night photo is fitting thanks to the hight contrast of this photo. It is a good thing to have the upper window at the central small tower as the brightest part of the building instead of the parts which illuminated by the spots at the water level. I see the building series at the right background is arrayed in a pleasant curve and the building part at the left is not bad either. Maybe a horizontal shot can be taken at this place too. A nice photo. Best regards.

    Hacia la luz


    Good night shot. The parking car with its red light on is an original idea which I didn't saw at the similar photos. Overall exposure and illumination is very good. Cloudy sky at parliament blue shots is not a wanted thing normally. But  thanks to its very soft texture and reddish parts it is beautiful and adds to the photo. I would like to see the white line entering to the frame from exactly bottom left corner however. Otherwise perfect photo. Best regards.

  2. I like this one. Even more so than


    because the monchromatic tones gives the long exposure a different feel which I am not too familiar like the one I sense when I look at the other.

    I think that you used a ND filter to take this long exposure. I have one too for two years. I regret to say that I could not use it to this day. I never came across a scene as suitable as this and couldn't take a photo as beautiful as yours. Well done. Best regards.

  3. Interesting night shot. There are many photos looking up to the skyscrapers but the are always include three building. The building component which enters from the bottom left corner and keeps a low angle add an interesting and original element to this one. I also like the sharp thinness of the leftmost figure which is not a skyscraper but a illuminated back of a gigantic sign I strongly suspect. You tell Jack and Risto in your comment that you like the few shiny windows. I agree. But only for the the upper levels of the middle building. In the lower part of it  there is a shiny window also which overlaps with the mentioned low angled building component and serves only as a distraction. The small building part which takes place at the upper right of the rightmost skyscrape is a minor distraction also. Original night photograph. Congratulations.



    Good night shot. The scene is rich with yellow, red and blue colors which goes well together. The light trails are well captured with  good continuous trails which is harder to get at road curves like this. There is some car blinker trails and they are a little bit distracting in my opinion but this is a hard to avoid problem at road curves in any way. Speaking of curves your idea of including the pavement at the bottom left corner is wonderful because it adds a good curve which in turn adds to the photo greatly. Having the building's upper center as the brightest part of it is a good approach but it has too much detail recovery I suspect because it is slightly grayish. This is a minor issue fortunately and I suspect can still see detail there. Maybe detail was not lost to begin with and you simply overdone burning. About burning I want to also say that I think it would be better if you burn the second left edge of the left side of the building which is more tall then the rest of the floor in order to add a little symmetry because the right side is more dark with a slashing shadow in the middle. I believe it would improve the image. I disagree with Gunnar Waht about parked cars adding to the photo but they don't subtract either. As  a conclusion I can say that this is one of the better night photos I saw at photo.net and I really enjoyed it. Congratulations.



    I was viewing the photos of last 24 hours and I saw the thumbnail of this one. I though "A clear shot at a clear background but nothing special." I am glad that I still viewed it at big resolution. Very original image indeed. The photo could use some contrast however. The contrast can and should play a big role in this photo since apart from the very interesting overlap of birds, this photo is all about the contrast between brightness of the birds and darkness of the background. Therefore it needs to be increased. Otherwise it is perfect. Best regards. 

  4. A nice night zoomout. The neon writings are creating a nice and interesting texture instead of harsh trails of light which we see at most of this kind of photos. The car is nice and although a car would not be wanted in a frame of this sort normally it really fits well and plays a vital role. Without it the photo would lean on to the left side heavily because the right side would be somewhat empty albeit there is good dim light and shadow trails at this location. Overall a very good night zoomout. Congratulations.

  5. Magnificent zoomout. I saw the series of this photo at Turkish online photography magazine www.fotoritim.com and I was thrilled by them. So I am pleased to get a chance to congratulate you in person. Well done. Best regards.

  6. Very good long exposure at night. Blue is nicely vivid and whites are silky and very bright without losing detail. You have your own shadow or shadow of an another photographer a tripod at the lower right corner which is a little bit distracting. Otherwise perfect photo. Congratulations.

  7. Nice photo. I am into night photography and I like this one a lot. the framing is good and the HDR is well done without creating an artificial look. The color of the sky is created by the light pollution I guess. The color is fitting however and gives the image a monochromatic look which is good in my taste. Since the exposure is avaraged, especially at highlights, by the HDR process, I believe this photo can take more contrast. It could aid it especially because there is no color contrast at this photo which is due to the absence of parliament blue at the sky. I see you work on this style since there is http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=10434647 and http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=10587635 at your portfolio which are both very good photos too. Very nice one. Congratulations.



    Brilliant. Marty Golin says in his comment that you should remove the out of focus gravestones at the foreground. I think they don't distract at all. What bugs me is however is the curve series of the tombstone lines being distrupted at the rightmost side of the frame by cropping. Otherwise perfect photo. Congratulations.

  8. Nice one. The buildings sharply differ in shapes since the cylindrical one at the right is smooth in shape and the oher is very rectangular and hard-edged. They look interesting together. The colors of the sky is nice and lateral angled illumination on the building is especially good. A good photo. Congrats.

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