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Beam me up, Scotty!


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My fear of the dark are well-documented. Beginning of last week i

chellenged this fear on a whole new level...


The aurora forecast was promising and i decided to do my best at

capturing this phenomenon. As darkness was approaching i put on my

climbing skins and started the long climb towards one of the many

mountains in the area. First i had to walk through the mountainforest,

with crooked creepy trees. I distracted myself by constantly looking

up to the sky instead of looking around for ghosts. Once i got over

the treeline i was forced to forget my fears for about an hour...it`s

impossible to be afraid when your climbing up a ridiculously steep

mountain... I`d rather be exhausted than scared shitless :-)


Eventually i reached the area just under the peak. My original plan

was to climb all the way up to the top, but i was too exhausted to

even consider such a thing.


My eyes wander across the beautiful mountainscape. The sky was getting

darker, but my eyes had adjusted enough to get a good view of the

scenario. Suddenly i see a creature about 100 meters ahead of me. A

characteristic shape quicly moving across the white mountain. The

illusive wolverine... Not the most common creature to see. I`ve spent

a day or two in the mountains over the years, but this was only the

second time i`ve come across this cute predator. What a nice start to

the evening....


There was no sign of the aurora yet. I looked up at the clear blue

sky, and when i say blue i really mean blue... I saw a white cloud and

started to worry that clouds would come rolling in. I stared at this

weak cloud when it suddenly started moving. Not moving like you would

expect from a regular cloud, it started dancing...up and down and from

side to side. When i realized it was the aurora i must have looked

like Hank Moody in the company of 20 naked strippers....


I then started the search for compositional spots. Really not that

difficult in such a place. I fired away frame after frame, constantly

moving around. Then the action really exploded. The aurora was more

intense than i`ve ever seen before, and i`ve lived up here my entire

life. It only lasted for a few minutes, but i`ll remember it for quite

some time...


At one point the light would come straight up from the peak, like

there was someone doing nuclear testing just behind it. I shot at iso

800 at f/4 and shutterspeeds down to 2 secs. The landscape became

significantly brighter and i just smiled for myself... This is 4

seconds of concentrated northern lights beaming up from the highest

peak. I have another shot where it seriously looks like the whole

mountain is about to go off, but i`ll save that for later...


A couple of hours later i was standing at the same spot i shot

"Blowing in the Wind" when i heard footsteps in the snow. The snow was

windswept and crunchy so i could hear everything quite clearly. I

froze when i saw the silhouette of the wolverine just about 50 meters

in front of me. It just stood there watching me for a while before it

disappeared. 10 minutes later the same thing happened...this time it

appeared closer. My heart was pounding... I`ve never heard of a

wolverine attacking humans, but in the dark bent over my camera i

could pretty easily be mistaken for a big fat reindeer. I dont have

horns, or anything that could resemble horns, at least not on my head,

but still.... Kinda like surfers attacked by sharks thinking they were

seals :-)


I packed my gear and rushed towards the steep mountainside where i had

planned to ski down. In complete darkness with a wolverine circling me

in... I somehow managed to get home safely without breaking any bones

or becoming the nightly meal for the wolverine....ahhh...good times!



iso 800


4 sec


Have terrific weekend everyone!





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An original photo of northern lights. Green light is making a nice curve which exits from the upper left corner and makes a good diagonal-like effect. Sky is a clean parliament blue for a change.This is a good example of minimalistic night shots. I am into night photography and I have seen enough photographs to know that this is an example of the better ones. Congratulations.
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i am a fan of your work, and i think you have a couple of photos which are better than this ( at least for my taste), but in an objective way i must admit that it is very original, interesting, and convincing. well worth the 7/7.
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Pretty cool Arild! I can't say I've ever seen an aurora like this.

All the best,


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Friendly local wolverine coming to ask if you enjoyed the show, and you run off. Not very sociable, are you... ;) Excellent picture!

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Magnificent. I appreciate huge effort put into taking this photo as well as describing it. Lovely composition and great colours, just feast for my eyes.

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