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Image Comments posted by raybrizzi

    iron waves


    Ah, I should have known. Of course Gaudi! Yes, Miguel, I've been there. Just not around the back :)

    Barcelona was just wonderful. I went there twice in 2002. I think it was some sort of Gaudi centennial or something like that, and there were flags everywhere. My friend and I spent hours at Sagrada Familia, and loved Parc Guell. What an imagination that man had.

    I also went to my only bullfight there. It was a brutal experience, but as a once in a lifetime sense, I had to go to it. I understand that they've since been outlawed in Catalania?

    Will be checking your portfolio later. Ray



    'The Steps' (II)


    Thanks for the challenge, John.

    I did dig these up....



    This one mentions a trial in the 1990s in one of the comments...



    (you'll have to reassemble the above link)

    Didn't mean to detract from your terrific picture, of course. Just pointing out that accessibility wasn't really a priority. For that matter, it wasn't much of a priority here in the 60s either!



    I find it interesting that the people who make the best HDR pictures, where you would never know it, always mention it, whereas the really bad ones where it's so obvious never do.

    This just captures the feel of the room the way someone in the room would see it, rather than overbright highlights and deep shadows.

    'The Steps' (II)


    PS: Your PC comments about accessiblity are unfair to the Russians. Back then, those folks you're talking about would probably be out in the Gulag somewhere for not contributing to the revolution, so why bother with ramps?

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