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Image Comments posted by tonmestrom



    yes, harsh seems a bit too harsh for me as well ;-)


    You're right, sometimes it's too easy. These passed on their way to the starting point as I was shooting two other groups (where I stayed all morning). Fun it was for sure. In fact I regretted not having send some of mine to one of the major newspapers because what they placed was rather disappointing for the most part so I probably would have got a fair chance to get some published. I guess another lesson learned.


    I have to say Mark makes some very good points with which I agree although I don't mind the flat lighting as much. The scarf seems indeed blown-out on screen. If so, that's not something you can afford to happen, especially with such lighting. As for the hair I too think there's way too much of it in her face.

    Doc's Shoes


    as you know I was just having a bit of fun but some things were guestimates. The different shoes were obvious, hence the hint at possible back problems. It wasn't so much his skin color but the spots on his shin that made me think he might possible be a diabetic while the hight issue and built were a fairly safe guess.

    Anyway he does sound like a great guy. Give him my regards.

    The comments on your photo btw were not fun though, those I meant.



    on the other hand you could try 6 AM, I regularly do.


    I really like the see-trough at the right as it provides extra info about the environment and you included that in your composition effectively. I also like how the darks and the lines guide us towards that boy. And of course your expertly processed b_w tops it off.



    A dog at rest

    dog lovers united. I know that pose as much as I know that look as I´ve got two of them myself. The best friends anyone could wish for and great models to boot. You´ve got yourself a good photo here.

    Doc's Shoes


    just a few more steps I think and you´ll be joining us out there on the streets rather than putting on some wellies and scaring some unsuspecting pheasants . That´s some dandy b_w Matt, perfect.


    Looking at the photo one might suspect that Doc is sixty plus, slim built, a diabetic maybe, about 5,5 - 6 feet tall and wearing a goatee and suffering from chronic back pain. How am I doing so far.

    St Helens

    very good atmospheric photo which stands out because of your exact control of the light and the subsequent tonal atmosphere which, having looked at your portfolio, is not exactly a surprise. Black and white in the best tradition in a hardly surprising but effective composition.

    25-07-2009 B&W

    I like it as a b&w but to be honest I think you've lost some valuable detail in those rocks while overall it all looks a bit grey. It might need some more work. Pushy sod, aint I ;-)


    it's been some time hasn't it? Hope you're doing OK. As far as your photo is concerned I like the subtlety here both in composition and tonality. Those three trees and benches make for a very appealing effect and both the position and the posture of that man works very good. The tonality fits in nicely with your title as in being complementary.


    thanks Dara. Summer Carnival and especially preparing for it are a lot of fun to interact with the people and shoot. I saw you're out there as well. I'll get back to that.
  1. never a good idea to shoot people from the back on the street because it never makes for a good photo. there are exceptions though and this is one of them. You've captured a very nice dynamic flow here. Of course the low angle does a world of good as well.

    Slice of Life

    damned have you got a pair of eyes. It's only good photographers that see and seize opportunities like this but I have to tell you this one is in a class of it's own. Yes, I thought Einstein as well immediately but once past that the photo becomes even better not because but despite of that. Everything fits perfectly. To be completely honest though I'm not all that sure that you got everything out of your b&w. I think maybe there's more to be had. Magritte would have liked this, I'm sure of it. It's a once in a lifetime photo. Stunningly good.
  2. I like it as a portrait James. given the light conditions though I wonder if there isn't more to be had to bring out more. Or is it merely by choice that you did it like this?


    this is one fine portrait if ever I saw one. Interesting character for sure while I like that downcast look and slightly closed eyes. It all adds a bit of mystery which fits in nicely with his outfit. Very good b&w in such harsh light conditions. Fine work James.

    Foggy Milo

    not an easy one to convert by any means but you did a very good job. Still, I wonder if there is not more to be had from those weeds. As for the rest I like the traditional kind of look here.



    so finally you've come over to the dark side. About time although I wonder who that strange git on your front page is ;-)))

    Seriously though, I like this kind of photo very much. To a lot of people this may not seem much but the way you play with light,texture, structure and form I find very appealing. There is some real depth here that is almost palpable. Very good. This would feature nice in any book about photography.

  3. if there's one thing missing here it's a sense of scale. Other than that it's bloody good. Like how you pulled those textures out while the b&w is exemplary as is of course the light.


    more than anything else I think this one show a lot about your personal sensitivity about everyday life. Because that's what we see here,a slice of everyday life. It speaks of an ability to not only see what's there but to translate that into a lasting impression on those who have the good sense to look at and deeply enjoy your take on everyday life.
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