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Image Comments posted by tonmestrom


    what a nice selfportrait this is. It's all that linearity that makes it so effective although I don't think it's overly dramatic. B&W would make for a more dramatic impact. As is it works because all those lines lead back tot that shadow.


    nice one. Over the years I've seen a huge increase of homeless people begging and using dogs to get people to donate and it's highly effective, I guess it's needs must. I always drop in a few Euro's. Some however seem so far gone it's hard to talk to them. In Prague a few years ago I saw a guy with a tame pig. That sure was a first. Anyway, you framed them very effectively.
  1. of course this is about composition and a very effective one at that. Could it be that you're not satisfied about cropping that far because frankly it doesn't bother me one bit. Furthermore your point of view is excellent to convey what you've described. I think it's a very effective photo.


    oserved indeed and how well. Shooting people against backgrounds is something we all do and it has become something of a bore. For one of those to work well it has to have something special that transcends the ordinary. This one does in a major way.
  2. don't know how you can call this composition wacky because I think it's a very effective one. It's a great one for your ongoing series. The luxury of the car fits in nicely with the dogs breed as well. Some nice b&w as well, not that that is a surprise.


    btw I have some serious catching up to do. Haven't wrote comments in quite some time now.


    there's not that many photos that I would pay money for and hang on my wall. This however, without a second thought and enjoying it for a long time to come.

    The Watcher

    the inspiration shines through ;-) but more than emulating someone elses work this is a original photo where the surroundings are instrumental as far as your main subject is concerned. But it's also a very atmospheric photo and the atmosphere you provide feels exactly right.
  3. in the first half of the last century Western capitals such as Berlin but especially Paris were the places where a lot of extremely talented Hungarian photographers flocked. The rest is history as they say. Many of them became very famous and had and have a great impact on photography. It's them that came to mind when I saw this photo. Why? Because it's so extremely good and fits in nice with that era weren't it for the date on the poster. I'm not a huge fan of such direct lighting but here it works to great effect and reminds me of a style long gone. I would be very proud of this one if I were you.



    "if in barbed wire things can bloom why couldn't I? I will not die, I will not die."


    Friedl and the Children of Terezin




    Despite the sad connotations things certainly bloom here. What a terrific photo you've got here Bulent both in respect to content and technically. There is no way you could have done anything better here. Both your composition and your tonality are spot on as is your point of view. It all makes for a powerfull ad convincing photo.



    thanks Jack. All it takes however is some time investment.


    Drew, thanks a lot


    thanks Bulent. I appreciate it. I have more time to go out I think ;-)


    Gunnar, thanks. As always


    Thanks Bruce. You should see all those that I have to bin ;-)


    Wieslaw, thanks a lot.

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