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Image Comments posted by tonmestrom

  1. as biased as I am towards b&w I have to say I prefer this one because it's the most natural looking. As a photo don't mind those wrinkles, in fact I think they do add a lot of character and why try to hide them? I'm sure it works even better in b&w. Actually I did convert it myself and am sure of it. I am surprised though that you upload as many versions of the same photo.
  2. put together seemingly haphazard it's anything but or otherwise you're one lucky dude. The oblique view is what makes this a very interesting one with everyone in sight playing his, hers or their role. Kertesz has made photo's in much the same way and just as effectively. Interesting to say the least.


    this one I would classify as a blatantly subtle abstraction and as such it's very effective and appealing. Minimalism is not without advantages it seems.


    quintessential English most foreigners would say. And as canal boats have a rich history in your country the chain could be a metaphore for all the traditions and history that your culture is tied to.



    part of modern culture. It seems that despite all the advances in engineering no solution can be found for all the noise that disturbs us on moments we don't want it. As I understand it Health and Safety regulations, or maybe even more the people who enforce them, chip in as well to make life even more miserable. I read a book by Jeremy Clarckson once in which he mocked the Health and Safety regs as much as the people who enforce them. And although he isn't known for his subtle opinions he's got a point I think. Don't muck about and get on with the job.


    Just found the portrait that Laurent made of you. As I've told him I'll probably be in London later this year. Would be nice if the three of us could meet up for a drink or a cup of coffee.



    now, if you´re ever going to tell me again you need to improve your b&w I´m coming over and nail this one to your forehead. Absolutely bloody great stuff Mr. B.


    In Search....


    you´ve caught a great moment here. I do think however that your conversion is too flat and in need of more contrast to emphasize what you want more effectively.



  3. it´s a impressive statement Giuseppe and one which I can relate to. Street photographers are often falsely accused of ridiculing what´s out there. It´s in fact more like Markku put it `brutal reality meets the ideal vision`. We show what´s there while we leave the projection to others.


    As for your photo. You don´t surprise me anymore. The quality of your uploads is consistently of a very high level.

  4. right. I find this an astounding photo on every possible level. Intriguing, interesting and above all captivating. I very much have the same feeling as Giuseppe and Fred looking at this. And while I´m not in the habit of making lists and am very hesitant to go out of my way to applaud any photo this one belongs to the very best I´ve seen in the last year.

    Drew Bayless

    indeed a nice surprise. So you boys have met. I´ll probably will be in London later this year myself. Maybe the three of us could go for a drink. Give Drew my regards as well.

    Suha DSC_2757


    `I take pictures of people. I am not such a good photographer but sometimes I take good photos...`


    who are you fooling Meir. Not me anyway.

  5. it's a good environmental portrait Jack. Personally I don't like your toning but since that is highly personal it's biased by definition. It's a quite classic but very effective composition. I wonder about the slightly downward angle though. While it works here I keep wondering if a more level angle wouldn't have been more attractive?
  6. to be honest Mark for me this is only a fair photo and certainly not an astounding one. Forget my bias for a moment because I'm convinced there is a astounding b&w in there. Structure and texture of that barn and background for instance get a little lost while in b&w they will look striking. Your thoughts?

    Solstice #3

    while I can see why you and Peter would want a bit more space on the left it doesn't bother me a bit. Actually I suspect more space on the left would lessen the "drama" somewhat as now all those lines work very good toghether in your composition as a whole. Blatantly subtle would be a nice description on this one as far as I'm concerned. I like blatantly subtle.
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