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Image Comments posted by tonmestrom

  1. Wieslaw is on to something here. Yes, nowadays we let our lives rule by selfimportant men in suits wearing safety goggles and hard hats who keep telling us what to do and how to do it. That's why we never seem to get anything done. Get real, get a life.
  2. that's one nice and informed review Young and one with which I can only agree wholeheartedly. So there's not much left for me to add other perhaps than that this an outstanding photo in a interesting series.
  3. while Ifti has got a point where the background is concerned I really like how his neck and head are set off against the dark. If anything those scrawny legs fit in nicely with those tiny branches ;-)
  4. yes, the contrast between foreground and background works out great. A very serene scene for sure and a pleasure to look at. I'm not to fond of the colours though. Somehow they don't feel right to me.


    thanks. Yes, this was a great couple. As I was maneuvering in a dense crowd I saw them coming and forced myself into this position. Well, who wouldn't have? The opposites of light and dark I noticed too but to be honest it was a stroke of luck that it turned out so well. I'm rather fond of this photo myself. Not so much of the assets already mentioned but because of both their looks.



    I'm not sure about that. Would you have included the whole shadow it might have distracted from your model and her beautiful posture. As it is, exactly that is emphasized by the mere hint of her shadow. The paradox in her stance between tension and relaxation, at least that's how I perceive it, is very appealing as is the graininess. Great job.

    Goed werk ;-)


    the way this one looks leads me to believe that your ISO setting was a bit off and frankly that kills it for me as does the lack of contrast. It looks as a great place to shoot some more, maybe in detail, however.


    why am I not surprised Markku to find you here? Actually I'm glad you didn't include more Drew. For some reason or other it reminds me of "War of the Worlds" but although I like the overall subtle colours it's not one of your best to be honest. It could go somewhere though if you put some more work in it I think.


    actually it's a bus Gordon but I agree with you. The moment you pressed that shutter couldn't have been better. Some noise control might be a good idea though.

    In Search....


    "but for my subjects I think they look too strong"


    thanks Pnina but actually they were meant that way. I just wanted to show you what's there all the more so since it would be ridiculous to suggest that out of such a highly compressed image an acceptable endresult would be possible. Fred's, observation was right. My b&w conversions are multilayered as well and more often than not take quite some time. But an overall and quick enhancement of the contrast can be a good way to see what's there. I can understand why you would want to keep that "soft" feeling but they needn't be as flat as they are because of that. After all, it's your job to process them into a final result.

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