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Image Comments posted by tonmestrom



    and then you can only suggest that as a possibility from your point of view

    which is what I did. It's a technical assesment, nothing more and nothing less.

    What renders an image underexposed? Is it when there are areas that retain no detail or whites that are depressed to gray? Or is it an opinion?

    No need to ask. You know the answer as well as I do.



    I might also add that although "underexposure" is assumed here, one might want to contemplate the difference in mood of an image when it is maybe a little less exposed and a little less contrasty versus "a more pleasing" redux. We get used to seeing things this way and maybe only see a difference but have lost the ability to feel the difference.

    of course, although it isn't assumed but real. In this case correcting for that slight underexposure would render the photo a little less drab or to stay in your line of thought create a more appealing mood. There is nothing wrong with pointing out the obvious. After all, the most important thing in any photo is light and when one handles that not correctly as is the case here in my opinion you end up with a photo that is subpar technically which directly translates in the mood it conveys.



    it's indeed a nice little snapshot. Given the fact that so many comments have been made about the vignette I have to agree, it's a bad idea in this particular photo as far as I'm concerned let alone such a heavy one. What surprises me that no one commented on the underexposure because it is slightly underexposed. It is what it is and there is nothing wrong with that although I'm not so sure there is so much that's worthwhile to be discussed here.



    I do like to single out photos that are mostly overlooked despite having a lot of quality and this is certainly one. It's not only that you saw them and photographed but more how you portrayed them that resonates. Most likely they belong to a club of sorts but it posesses a quality beyond that. Mostly it's your low point of view that sets them of great, the low angle really works here. Both your subjects and the way you photographed them created a timelessness that can only be described as classic, something which I very much like myself. It's aphoto that one is able to look at with the same amount of pleasure now as well in a few decades, not a small feat to accomplish. Personal preferences aside I do think this one would benefit from a tad more contrast and while it's always difficult to judge from a low res image perhaps a bit more sharpening on your original as well. Overall I would say this is a outstanding portrait.



    very striking portrait and it seems obvious that a lot of people would prefer a crop. Personally I think it would be a mistake because his presence fills the whole frame. The strong lights could be mistaken for technically wrong but in fact do a great job of bringing that great expression to the foreground. I think it's a very strong portrait. I do think however that a bit of sharpening wouldn't hurt.



    the connection is obvious here but it leaves us with a big questionmark which of course is part of its appeal. So what's that girl doing in such a forlorn place and why is she looking at that older Jewish gentleman with his kippa? The fact is that we don't know but are drawn into it because of all those questions. The crop I provided was not about being better (as I made clear) but only enhanced that connection. I do actually believe that a slight crop would be better because it would improve the overall composition I think but then, it's not my photo ;-)

    Overall the most important thing however is that I think you've presented us with a interesting photo.



    caught up in what she's doing and oblivious to the world around her this is instantly recognisable to epople who are able to do the same. Entering another world and forgetting the one around you is a great feeling. Your narrow framing emphasises that wonderfully. It seems though that she's in need of some new specs by the looks of it ;-)

    my hero


    what lifts this way above a normal snap on the go is the soft tonality that is present in both and wholly complementary. Add to that the somewhat unsure expression of the woman about being exposed like this and you end up with a photo.



    the only thing contemporary here is that laptop because if it weren't for that what we were left with would be a classical portrait that could just as well have been taken before the middle of the last century. I do like that classical feel that his photo conveys and which is further emphasized by the classical beauty of your model.

    Girl talk


    actually it's not that hard to get. But then this is a photo that deals very much with seeing something that a lot of photographers are not able of or so it seems. I find this to be a highly effective photo and a appealing one at that.



    every photographer needs a kick under his proverbial butt from time to time to do better, and you are no exception. This however works on many different levels and it's indeed a good and effective abstract. Most of all I appreciate the suggestion of both fysical volume and depth that is here and in combination with those warm colors it creates for a very effective photo. So I guess that kick has to be withheld for now ;-)



    I find myself in agreement with a lot of what has been said here but since you added your own thoughts here:

    "not having the slightest idea what this photo is all about, I also feel myself invited to speculate on the connections here"

    I can't help wondering if this is still a unfinished work?






    where normally one prefers to see the eyes in a portrait their downcast and concentrated look here works perfectly to illustrate that they are busy at whatever they are doing and as a result you end up with very appealing expressions in both of them. I actually do like that bright piece of paper right in the middle of your photo because not only is it part of what they are doing but it also creates a division of sorts  that highlights both their faces/expressions which of course your tight crop also supports. Technically it could be no doubt better but as a photo it stands out.

  1. sitting safely behind his laptop in what seems to be an office of sorts his raised hand could be a warning as well as a friendly greeting which of course your title suggests. There is a bit of a incongruous feel because of all that and although one can imagine that it would be too much of a hassle to take the mask of between jobs this most of all is what comes across. It's a snap on the go as it were and because of the above a nice one at that. Technically it's a poor scan which however is easy to correct. Wonder why you didn't do that especially since that would improve on that gritty feel which is one of the most attractive part of this film as well?







    the confrontation is as obvious as it is striking with humorous overtones. With the academic connotations in the background this man seems to fit perfectly in these surroundings. It's a funny confrontation but also an effective photo. However, without trying to change your photo I wonder if a crop and a conversion wouldn;t be as least as effective?




  2. some would say that you can't really go wrong in shooting there but such claim is of course ridiculous. I think you;ve succeeded not only in creating a worthwhile landscape but in creating a photo that I can appreciate for its melancholic atmosphere, a feeling which of course is further enhanced by that drifting misty cloud. Even more than the rather classic and quite effective composition it's that feeling of melancholy here that works for me. I'm very fond of Ireland and not only the South-West. Anyway, I find this to be a very effective photo.

    Bike messenger


    well, I'm perfectly willing to provide a critique, elusive or otherwise ;-)

    it's a good subject as a kind contemporary phenomenon. After all, bike messengers have become quite the rage in a lot of major cities in the last decade or so. This guy seems to be a perfect exponent of that, a fairly young and fit guy who seems poised to move on to deliver his message. As such you did a fairly nice job to shoot him like this especially since his somewhat impatient expression fits nicely in with that. The square format is a good choice I think given that the obvious goal was to portray him. However, given the fact that he had to wait for a red light suggests you had a bit of time to compose your photo a bit more carefully and while I don't mind that chopped of wheel that much I think you could have done a better job in choosing your background more carefully. Don't you think yourself it would have added to the overall feel of the photo if you had chosen one of the streets, the one he is coming from or the one on the right that he is about to cross? I do actually because it would have created a bit more visual depth and looked less "confined" than it does now because after all, this is a bike messenger and I think it wouldn't have hurt if you would have included a bit more spacious city feel. Even then however, blurring the background somewhat as you did here was a good choice. I also like the rather high contrast although I think, given the lighting conditions that you overdid it a tiny bit. What I don't like is the perspective distortion. While I don't mind that in general here it's distracting because it concentrates mostly in the right half of your photo and given the square format and the fairly large amount of empty space in the foreground it draws simply too much attention. By no means a bad photo/portrait. It could have been a lot better though.



    thanks all.


    Yes, I can understand the ambiguity concerning the composition here. However, would I have chosen for a square crop for instance it would probably have been more striking but also predictable. I like to experiment with somewhat unusual compositions, especially if I feel it might add interest to a photo. That's what it does for me here. Will that feeling last? Frankly I've no idea and I might reconsider given time but for now I think it works, at least for me.



    this has all the making of a renaissance shot. I like the effect you applied (hipstamatic? not that I care btw) because it geels very much like it belongs. The symmetry as well as the colours fit in great. As such it's an abstraction of sorts and one that works very effectively. Like it.



    I like the paradox of formal/informal that it contains, at least for me. I also like the square presentation which I think adds to that feel. I'm not too fond of that sepia toning although you may write that off to a personal quirk. If I wanted to nitpick here it would be about his eyes half closed but then, it's probably normal for him to do that. Like what you present here Carlos, a lot.



    Close to midday on a bright and sunny day it sure looks to be a warm and oppressive day which is mirrored in the light clothing of these both women but of course even more so by your main subject who really seems to suffer. It looks like she is on a "walk to Canossa" Roman-Catholic connotations are not too far fetched I think, especially given her expression the "hardship" of which is further emphasized by the decidedly hard light and strong contrasts in this photo but also because you decided to put her right in the middle of your composition. I find this to be a very effective photo. While some frown upon altering anything in street photos I wouldn't hesitate to do a square crop here to add even more drama.



    the fate of the contemporary smoker, standing outside even at a cold night to have a fag and quite alone at that. What else to do than look into infinity and contemplating perhaps the past day or the day ahead. What it is we cannot tell but that it turned her kind of introspective is obvious. Her upward gaze is quite attractive and draws attention immediately which is also helped by catching that highlight in her eye. I like the linearity of the right half of this photo which adds a lot of emphasizing her as your main subject but also creates the necessary depth. So does the choice for b&w which certainly in this case has kept it nice and simple and precludes any unwarranted distractions that a colour photo might create. The composition overall is rather classic but very appropiate and effective.

    Personally I would be tempted to turn that background completely black to add even more visual weight. This for me is a very effective and appealing photo.


    btw, it's a good idea to downsize your photos a bit more before uploading them to the internet. A bit safer that way.

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