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Image Comments posted by nickjeftic



    Thanks Wim! I'm glad you like it...

    This is Elafonisi Beach on South Crete which is so magnificent especially in spring when there are not many visitors. There are only a few trees left on the beach so they decided to isolate them i guess in order to prevent tourist fights over "shade rights" :))

    Thanks once again! Cheers, Nick...



    Thanks for the comment Mark and I'm glad you like the photo... Photographing kids takes a LOT of patience and you can never be sure of the result. On this one everything seams to come together perfectly: the light, DOF, crop... I had the 100mm Canon macro on at that moment and called to my daughter who turned for a split second and... klick....

    Thanks again... cheers, Nick



    Pierre, this comes from a series of facial studies I had made where I try to recreate a certain expression from an original sculpture (in this case that of Matija Gubec). The final expresion somehow matches the sarcastic remark: "Yeah, right..." or roughly translated to Croatian "Da, naravno"...

    Glad you like it!



    I'm glad you like it Cathrine! It does resemble bodies and that probably was the sculpter's intention (altough I'm not sure about that). Nevertheless its a great motif for a photographic workout!



    Hvala Vlado! To sam otkril jednu malu gliptoteku u ateni koja u vrtu ima nekoliko apstraktnih kipova. Ova zbilja izgleda kao tijela iako ja nisam bas siguran sto predstavlja. Al nema ni veze, vazno je da je fotka dobro ispala, kaj ne...?



    Bok Vlado! Evo nije me dugo bilo al sam sad konacno skupil par novih radova pa velim da ih ne drzim zakljucane doma. Pratim ti radove na face-u ali i ovdje imas sjajnih novih stvari! Nadam se da se ove godine konacno vidimo i u zivo!



    T'was a rainy day and I got bored of waiting for the Cat in the Hat so I picked up my canon and started shooting stuff around the house! Found this in the bathroom....

    Thanks for our comment Michael! Cheers....



    Jamie: Hi mate! This is the north side of St. Mark's church in the old town (upper city). There is loads of interesting motifs up there and it would be great to see some of them through your expert eye! I'll wait patiently....

    Linda: I'm glad you like it Linda and thanks for stopping by!

    Bela: Thanks for your comment Bela. I have improved my understanding of the craft of photography since joining this site and in a significant part due to studying your brilliant portfolio. Once again thanks for the inspiration!

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