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Image Comments posted by nickjeftic

    Brooklyn Bridge

    A great shot Jamie! What balance: a light delicate flag flying bravely amongst tons of brutish steel. Hey, if the cold war breakes out again this pic will be worth its weight in gold! Wonderfuly seen, bravo.



    Well I should have been more precise. I did the running in my 20s and the eating in my 30s. The name of the owner is (or at least was until a some years ago) Dragec. I'll watch what I say from now on.


    Keep shooting, Nick


    During my 20's almost every day! I used to run form my house (Nova Ves) to Sestinski Lagvic and to Medvedgrad as my daily workout. On weekends I would continue up to Graficar, Tomislavac and back down. Of course I also used to enjoy the excellent food Dragec offers in Medvedgrad! BUT I can't remember the well?! I'll probably be comming to Zagreb next week so I might look it up!



    A clinical shot of a very interesting motif which offeres lot of room for experimentaiton and surelly deserves more visits!

    Good work. Regards, Nikica



    This shows that the motif of a picture does not have to be beautiful for the picture to be very good. I love the subtle shades of color, the intriguing abstract details (especially in the bottom left corner) and the location. It is one of those places that no one pays attention to where you used to love to hide as a kid. Remember being kids people? If not, you should!


    To make the photo stronger I would blur the background.


    Great shot!

    Honor Guard


    A fantastic capture of what seams a clueless expression! I will make me sleep less sound!


    This photo could be the highlite of most portfolios.. but as I've seen from yours shots like these are second nature for you!


    I send my greatest admiration!



    Zagreb by night


    Prekrasna slika koju nemogu nepristrano ocijeniti. Nema ljepseg pogleda na svijetu.


    Od tuda sam tocno 14 minuta do doma! Od uspinjace na Markov Trg, Basaricekova, Palainovka, obroncima Cmroka pa na Gupcevu Zvjezdu.


    Sve mi mirisu pogacice od cvaraka iz Lovackog Roga, pa kesten kolaci kod Malbase (sada Vinceka), pa kratka kavica u Gundulicevoj, friske jutarnje novine u Francuskom Centru!


    Vlado, nemoj mi to radit!




    Jasnino raspolozenje je u savrsenoj harmoniji sa zimskim pejsazem u pozadini. To je jedan od onih dana kad covjek zeli biti tiho sam sa sobom.


    Divna fotka. Dali bi bila jos snaznija da je crno bijela?


    Pozdrav Nikica

    Love 7


    Fantastic photo!


    She rejects him by crossing her hands in front of her, turning her head and looking away, but still doesn?t step back proving there is some attraction left toward him.


    He on the other hand test the status of their relation by touching her face which is a gesture allowed only between intimate friends / lovers.


    Briliant timing! Bravo Vlado.



    This is turning into a Critique Forum Critique isn?t it?


    Well I posted my thoughts to the administrator a few days back and here is the sum of it.


    Assuming that all critiques are written in good faith and with honorable intentions we still face a problem.


    Aesthetics. Volumes and volumes have been written over the past millenniums about the subject and they all finally come down to Plato?s remark: ?The value of beauty is in the eye of the beholder?.

    To value aesthetics on a scale of: Ugly ? Beautiful is bound to draw controversy. A grade of 3 would mean: mediocre work with a tendency towards ugly! I think that all of us have at some time been disturbed by such notions. I mean how can a technically well executed photo of a butterfly have a tendency towards ugly? Personally unappealing perhaps, but never ugly.


    Originality. Think, if Annie Liebovitz posted one of her portraits in this forum would she get a low grade due to lack of originality? And finally what is original? The fact that someone has never seen a certain subject or angle only means that he didn?t search enough.



    My suggestions:

    Critique forums should first of all be split into themes and photos should appear ONLY under a certain subject. That way they would stay on the site longer and would be visited by people interested in a specific subject. There is little benefit of a panel of pop-performers evaluating a Jazz musician?s performance, is there?


    There should be no negative grades for aesthetics. The grade should start form nice and go to lets say spectacular or whatever. Whoever feels that a work isn?t worth of a nice grading should not grade at all but should contribute a descriptive critique instead.


    Evaluations should definitely include a category of Technical Performance which is measurable and most of all improvable.


    An originality grade should be a supplementary bonus for quality, not the basic one.






    Beautiful shot Massimiliano!


    To make it perfect for me I'd get her to use 1 hand (the 2 thumbs distract a bit) and try to get the hand sharp.


    Nevertheless, a captivating picture! Bravo!


    Ciao, Nick



    Hey File!!!


    Don't take these forums to seriously! Those of us who know to appreciate beauty and good work do so but don't always have time to respond. There are lots of good people on this site and they will eventually give you some trully useful tips.


    By the way, nice shot! 1991? What was it shot with?


    Xeretismata, Nick

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