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Image Comments posted by nickjeftic

    Gate Of Delirium

    Hey Pierre, nice to hear from you again and I'm glad you like the photo. This is actually a straight photo that was just toned to Seppia. All of the glory goes to the artist that set this up at the Synthagma Metro station in Athens.



    Yeah... this would definetely be a different photo if I was in it exposing my great belly and hairy chest! I'd probably get arrested and put away for a long time... in a zoo.... Ursus section...


    Beautiful moment Ton!

    The Uptown

    Kompozicijski uredna fotka Tkalce koja bi za mene bila bolja uz pojacani kontrast i dinamicki raspon. Ni za zicom se nebi plakal ak bi kojim slucajem nestala.... Sve u svemu mi se svidja!

    Jacob's Ladder

    Markku, your sense for abbreviating urban scenes is matchless! How little you need to extract a masterpiece! No school can teach you this.... My greatest admiration!

    Winter flare

    As always you provide unique commentaries on your selected motifs. This one is so wonderfully soft and dreamy.... I wish you all the best in 2009 and look forward to learning form you inspiring works.
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