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Image Comments posted by nickjeftic

    Vilanova Junction


    Javier, Didi.... a long overdue, thank you!

    Natalie, the Athens Olympic complex is such a wonderful place with endless possiblities that jump at you from all angles! It is even more exeptional during sundown... I am glad that you enjoyed this photo... :)))



    Thanks for the comment focus! Glad you like the photo....

    I agree with you on the frame remark. I tried black and it made the work look grim.. i tried white but it attracted to much attention so I stuck with grey...

    Probably should have left this one without a frame....

    Cheers, Nick



    I don't insist this should be in the Street category but I realy couldn't

    decide if anything else would have been more appropriate...

    Anyway, your comments will be very much appreciated!



    Indraneel you're right... I did a head-stand in front of the screen and it realy looks interesting! Seriously, thanks for the comment... :)))

    Pierre, Gunnar.. thanks for visiting. The game was obviously a waste of time but at least some interesting photos came out! I'm glad you like this one....

    Cheers guys!



    Paul, Bill, John, Radu, Mircea.... thank you for your commets. I'm glad you enjoyed the photo!

    It was a shot on the move from the back of a jeep and they made several attempts before they finally made it... I don't think they were aware anyone was watching, they were so concentrated on each other....

    Now if my friend driving the jeep would had suddenly hit the brakes, that would have been a photo! A close-up portrait or maybe even a macro!!! :)))



    Thanks for visiting Hans-Peter!

    I guess the lesson behind the photo is: people in love don't pay attention  where they are going and should therefore wear helmets!


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