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Image Comments posted by bmm

    God's Backyard

    Very interesting, strong composition. From a structureal angle, I like the balance between the dark background with shite highing on left of frame, and the reverse (black silhouette on light background) to the right. Great symmetry around the central tree.


    Such a well-balanced and well-exposed image, good subject, dramatic sky, some very good choices here. MY only tiny critique/suggestion would be that you might have considered cropping out the silver car, and - maybe - the power lines, but they are small things and overall this is a really nice image.
  1. Fabulous work Dave. The colours and tones in this piece are great, and my eyes are led in this kind of crazy whirlpool dance as I explore this image. I like it very much. PS - explain the title... I'm curious!


    Nicely taken image but my two critiques are i) the busy, distracting background, and ii) the even-ness of the lighting which takes a little of the potential texture from the model's face


    Simple, striking composition with a great colour balance between the blue of the sky and the orange/ochre sand. Slight pity that the wind-gust picked up the sand, which slightly breaks the pristine 'clean-ness' of this image but otherwise very good.

    Left Alone

    This is one of those images where I have to take a deep breath and give an honest critique. The fog (whether real or post-processed) immediately above the lake, and then in the sky, but with a band of more detail on the shore, makes this image seem a bit wierd visually. Also, if the swan is the primary compositional element, it needs to be a little bit 'lifted' through localised exposure (and/or contrast) compensation. A nicely thought out image but I would play with it more in post to get the best out of it.


    Striking textures and shapes, so well achieved. I must say though my eyes find it hard to 'organise themselves' in this image as there are no clear directional cues in the composition. Just a small thought though, it is a good image.


    Nice composition - tight in on the angled head, with the linesof thecrown providing good structure and the eye direction into the other upper corner.


    WOW! HOW? Where did you take that image from? In any case, for a heavily altered one, the treatment is sublime, with colours, perspective, sky... this is one I really like.

    Rosh Ha' Nikra

    This is one of those where there are things I like and thingsI don't. The strong red dress and pose against the white background rock is good. But the background detail, slightly (but not enough) out of focus is distracting, and the subject for me does not take up enough of the frame. I also can't help but think that her feet would be hurting on those rocks!

    Spinola Bay

    Very nice work. Your post treatment works very well - not intended to be hidden, but really lifting the strong foreground elements of the image. The perspective provided by the receding buildings and shore is also really well done.


    Very intriguing portrait, and well executed (by you and the model!) - the gradiation of lighting in particular is something that I really like in this image.

    roots #2

    No doubt the post-production in this is worked to the limit, but it is well done and the composition is a very strong one which I like a lot. Well done.
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