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Image Comments posted by bmm

    RPL Chargers-91

    Nice action and dynamic image. The angles of the players give a real compositional drive to this picture. Only comment is I would have cropped about 1cm off the right side to remove the bit of white disk which intrudes onto the orange background.

    "Caught it!"

    This breaks all the rules of an image I like, but I like it. Most likely because of the combinination of action and seasonality, and the joy expressed through it. I could make comment on technical aspects but that would be beside the point because at the heart of this image is a great, simple, fun little story.


    Beautiful portrait, and in particular great rendering of the eyes, and great choice to contrast the red hair against the black mask and background. Lighting works really well too,

    Go for green

    Nice moment, and nice social comment with the young children against this slogan (and I enjoy the intellectual tension between the hope and crass commercialism of the message).


    Great silhouette, and your decisions post-processing make this awesome (sky tones, cropping to give the strong, dynamic diagonal lines to the jumping girl, etc). I very mcuh enjoyed this image.


    A little constructuve criticism here is that it may have been better compositionally not to 'cut off' the lemur's backside and feet. Otherwise, a nice image.


    YES! This is excellent, I love it. Great treatment, including the basic image, the post-processing decisions and all elements contributing to a very moody portrait. My only slight question is to the model's left hand, which is a tiny bit distracting as a highight outside of the face-area focal point. But overall this is wonderful.

    A chair

    Intriguing and well taken. This is one that I lingered over for a while, looking at the elements, and the interesting, incongruous background. Congratulations on a very though-provoking image.


    This is a challenging image to look at compositionally. It has many lovely elements and is well taken. However the splash of strong red in the foreground seriously draws the eye, compared to the more muted, beautiful colours in the rest of the frame. Did you try this in B/W?

    Grey Heron

    Nice image. My suggestions would be to lift the exposure a touch on the bird, and also maybe to use a more open aperture so as to further blur the background (which is a little 'busy' and stops the subject from popping as much as it could). But overall a nice image.
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