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Image Comments posted by bmm


    Very pleasing abstract picture - compositionally this works well, especially in terms of texture and balance of tones/light.

    Woodpecker tongue

    An interesting image. My comments for suggested improvement are that more depth of fied should have been used in order to sort out focus issues in some of the items in this image. Also, a slightly 'hotter' exposure (maybe +0.7 or +1) would have rendered the bird's white feathers whiter. But those are small things and overall this is a well-taken moment.
  1. Nice! I like the exposure decision here which gives the movement, I also like the sense of light and dark across the frame - and the still pram in front of the carousel is a great touch of detail.

    Amazing Light

    Certainly is amazing light - I have not often seen a composition where natural light beams are such a major structural element, especially in an outdoor setting. Interesting. Out of curiosity where is this image taken? It gives me recollections of the path to The Peak in Hong Kong, or perhaps of walking at Sentosa Island in Singapore...


    Good image, strong subject and interesting background setting. My only small constructuve suggestion might be to use post-processing to draw the eye more to the face, as the brightness and complexity of the background is quite attention-grabbing. Maybe introduce a gradual vignette and/or a bit of contrast reduction behind the subject... just some thoughts. Overall a nice image.
  2. Is that Hamelin Pool in Western Australia? If so, a place I spent much time at when I was younger, and a wonderful part of the world. Nice image, brave composition to show so much sky. Did you try from even closer to the ground to make it more extreme yet?


    I love taking pictures of old/worn doors and sindows so this subject really speaks to me. Well chosen, well composed and nicely done. I think this may also work well in B/W


    This is certainly my favourite of the day's batch that I have looked at. Great composition, raming, exposure that is really interesting... I like it very much.


    I'm not one usually for rating 'glamour' type portraits highly as I think they attract biased ratings from elsewhere. But this is an exception due to the degree of personality that you have captured in this model, along with the accomplished technical aspects of this image. In fact I'll go so far as to say FINALLY!!! - a model image in which the subject does not look totally bored or is not gazing into the distance in some manner which makes me wonder what they are on. So sincere congratualtions for an image of this style which is actually very engaging.


    Nice image. Well composed in terms of the balance of the subjects and the angles that their lines-of-sight build into the overall structure of the image. The catch-lights also give a real 'pop' and life to these monkeys.
  3. This is one of those where, honestly, I am torn. I really like the composition and underlying structure of the image. But the colour treatment to me is a little overdone. I wonder how this would have worked as a monochrome (silver, sepia, or B+W)?
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