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Image Comments posted by elaine_roberts1

  1. Looks like a painted portrait, or a photo from the very early days of photography (except for the colors): Soft, square, soft lighting....a beautiful image. I love how you get the one girl's face at three-quarters and the other in profile. Very evocative. I agree, deserves a larger upload size--even if it's soft (that works for this image).


    I think this shot is representative of your strongest work: you have an eye for seeing disparate elements and parts of the picture and turning them into a graphic, almost abstract but still recognizable image. The chains, the trees, the colors: well composed and balanced. Terrific!


    What a lovely image! It is not often that you see a full-daylight landscape that retains the beaut=y youve captured. Two comments: I think that some of the clouds ar ejust a touch dark--they look overburned; and I think that it would have been nice if the couple had been looking into the frame rather than out. Still, a very nice landscape and human image, 6/6

    White Tern

    Nice catch! The bird is beautifully positioned in flight, and I like the hint of background trees. It would be nice to have a little more space around the bird's wingtips, but in these circumstances you can't alway plan for that.


    Fun shot--too bad the sky is so blown out. I think it would benefit from cropping of almost all the pavement in the foreground--turning it into a kindof panoramic!


    Very good--this is a tricky sort of shot to do, but it is well done. Very good. Have you thought of cloning out the little dot?

    Angkor Wat


    It's always tricky to pull off these kinds of shots where you're shooting through a doorway, but you've pulled it off well. It's beautifully composed and exposed. I'd tweak the color a little bit--and darken the temple to remind the view that that's the subject, but other than that its great!



    This is really a very beautiful image: it reminds me of a painting. The figures in different positions, the golden yellow tinge, the carfully balanced composition (the ratio of sky to water is perfect: not the 'rule of thirds' but balanced more harmoniously based on tonality). Under-rated here on photo.net--don't let that discourage you. 6/6

    Cinderella's Soul

    I love this image, but I find myself wondering what it is. A shop window? It doesn't really matter, because the appeal is in the soft colors, lighting and shapes--an abstract piece. Great catch!



    A great image, the pose is simply classic! I agree though, that the boy is too deep in shadow; it'd be best to lighten him up a bit.



    The light and composition don't do much for this. Perhaps try reshooting it at a time when the light is a little more dramatic, or coming in close with a wide angle lens. This composition is very static. I do like the contrast betweenthe minichuch and the apartment buildings in the background.
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