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Image Comments posted by mary_corning

  1. Wow.. Mystical, magical colorful, a vacation for the eyes. A place I would love to wander, and ponder. I can hear the water just rolling onto the shore. Is this a manifestation of a dream or a real place? Thank you for sharing it with us all. The 3/3s have really blown thier cover here... who are they kidding? and who are they really? Great work. ~Mary~



    After a 3 year drought in New Mexico, this sky offered the rain,

    though it evaporated before it hit the ground. Thank you for your

    guidance in developing my work. Most sincerely, ~Mary~


    Excellent capture of this thistle. I am always intrigued by thier many lines and designs. This is really great! The contrast and simplicity of it is beautiful! The light divine... Wonderful image Tammy! ~M~
  2. I came by to have a look and immediately went to the Northwest since it has been my home most of my life. I am with your husband on this one! This is a lovely capture of a beautiful and typical NW scene. I like the way the waves almost move across the image. The log in front helps give it scale and starts the eye moving down the beach. Nice shot. Up north in the Sound perhaps? Good shooting and thanks for stopping by my portfolio! Most sincerely, ~Mary~

    Study of Far Go 1

    Jim, yours is a memorable comment and I am grateful as it is my very first 7/7. Somehow when I saw this shot I felt a strong appreciation for it. Though being very partial as I raised Far Go from a small foal, I wondered if others would feel the same? Thank you very, very much. I am honored by your time and your vision. Most gratefully, ~Mary~

    in a sea of petals

    Thank you Brandi and Vicente. I am so pleased you enjoyed this image. I enjoyed creating it. I feel this site has offered me more help in my photography than I have ever gained alone. I am very grateful to have wandered in and participated. Thanks again! So Much! ~Mary~



    Another from the series of studies on my favorite subject, my beloved

    horses. All advise, comments and ratings are greatly appreciated.

    Most sincerely, ~Mary~

    in a sea of petals


    The last critique request was risky and fun.. thought I might balance

    it out with a good ole floral to appease the 3/3s. Food for the

    Gods.... Seriously all ratings and comments are deeply appreciated!

    Most sincerely, ~Mary~

  3. This is an interesting image. At first when I saw it small I was wondering about the crop? But after seeing the detail on the leaf I can see why you left it in. You nailed the white and gave it a mystical look with the softer focus. I would like to see another tighter crop on this one just out of curiosity??? The shadow is somewhat distracting and I don't think it adds much? But then as you have said, To each thier own.

    Nice work Kirk! ~Mary~

  4. I really appreciate your keen eye. It is amazing how much I miss. Yes the stick! and I agree more foreground. Thank you so much. Really great advise! Also I might say you have a very kind way of critique. If you aren't already? you should take up teaching. Thanks again. ~M~

    Io Moth Caterpillar

    Wonderful... now I feel I know her (him?) so much in a face. I like the feeling of movement I get with this image. I can almost see it move down the leaf. Great shot Kirk! Super subject! Great detail and color. A lot to be proud of here in your portfolio! I enjoyed my visit. Thanks for taking the time to stop by mine! ~Mary~


    Wow, this is indeed an intimate shot of a caterpillar. I enjoy the opportunity to get close, though agree with the above comment I would have had to guess at the subject? Somehow I wonder if such intimacy with a little less mystery would have the same impact? I will go have a look at the other mentioned image. Nice work. Down right popping! ~Mary~

    Medicine Man

    Your comments are greatly appreciated and very welcome. Yes medicine comes in many forms. I know this man deeply (as he is my partner). I can safely say he is what true healing and medicine bring. And with this is recognized in the Lakota tradition. technically I appreciate your eye and would like to play around with it too. This was a spontaneous shot in a moment when we were up on Wild horse Mesa. from my vantage point it did seem as he touched the sky. I was glad my camera was near so that I was able to share the moment with others. Thanks so much for your time and words of encouragement, it really means a lot. Most sincerely, ~Mary~ PS I'll drop by and have a look at your portfolio. : )

    Taos Pueblo

    Thank you Gordon. I felt that the Earth was the subject here and I wanted the dwelling to extend from that foundation. I am glad that you weren't distracted by this, and even felt it enhanced it. This was indeed one of the reasons I chose the shot. That and the black dog as the focal point. I loved that the clouds were thick on this day as so often the sun is bright on this high desert land. Your critique is always appreciated. Many thanks, ~Mary~

    Study of Far Go 1

    Thank you Gordon. It really has been inspiring to receive the honest critiques of those whom I respect. Your input helped develop this composition. After spending time here on PN I realized I needed to get out and stretch! It also inspired me to return to the camera from more than a year of shooters cramp. Many , many thanks for your time, your help, and especially the inspiration. With deep gratitude,I look forward to more..... ~M~

    Darwin on the deck


    I am equally as intrigued by the correspondence your work inspires as the work itself. You are creative and adventuresome with the shutter. Now my dog lover side will just speak to the feelings this evokes. Yes Darwin I would know that eye any where. My favorite part of the shot is the light within the shadows on his left side. It brings a depth to the image. Especially the muted coat around this side of his face. (You know my taste there with soft lines.)I like the improvement with softening the near eye. very effective!

    Then theres that nose that wonderful nose! stealing the thunder from the shot. It somehow manages to overwhelm my attention. Obviously your intention? Your subject is a great one for the sepia or (Holga?) processing and I look forward to watching the works evolve. Best regards. ~Mary~

    Taos Pueblo


    The oldest consistently inhabited structure in North America ( I was

    told). The feeling of the "indigenous way" blows in the breeze of

    this deeply Spiritual place. I hesitated in my photography as I new I

    could not do it justice. I hope you enjoy a look into the past which

    lives within the present.

  5. Hey Gordon, you sucked me right in with this one! I don't typically rate abstract because, well, I don't claim to know a good one from a bad one.. but if I did??? I would say this is a good one! I agree with the above comments, it moves and swirls and draws one in like the river. A rafting trip for the mind. Hummm? perhaps abstract can be fun? Great shot. ~mary~

    The Tendril

    Very nice and creative composition Jeanne. You nailed this one. I love the DOF and clarity of the subject combined with deep muted background. Beautiful! ~Mary~

    Reach for the sky

    Yes a bit soft, though actually this flower was about 10 feet above my head, taken with the 300 mm. The breeze was definitely a factor in the sharpness. I do tend to like a bit of softness around the center... perhaps too much on this one? As always I really appreciate your time and thoughts. I'll come by and have a peak at you new uploads, and drop a line. Thanks again. ~M~
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