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Image Comments posted by mary_corning

    Reach for the sky


    After taking in much of the excellent advise I received here on PN I

    worked towards a fresh new angle to create a little different flower

    composition. How does it come across for you? 3/3's let your voice be

    heard.... In deep gratitude! ~M~

    rain on the tulip

    Thank you Robert for the detailed critique. I appreciate the time it takes for such scrutiny. I did visit your tulip, and took note of your technique. I solicited some feedback from friends on this one and learned a lot about what I had missed. My perspective keeps expanding and PN is a wonderful forum from which to learn. Thanks again! Most sincerely, ~M~
  1. I try to avoid photoshop enhancement, though this one warranted a bit

    of erasing of the branch in front of the hawk. How did I do? As

    always all critiques are welcome and appreciated. Sincerely, ~Mary~

    Chicks rule...

    Hi Gordon, I am thrilled ( and honored ) that you are taking some time with my photos. Thank you. You are a great talent. And as always I consider your feedback very seriously. I don't mind the 3/3's I just wish I could benefit from the whys, whats and wheres. anonymous negative ratings without critique can get a little frustrating. Humility is good medicine, Thanks again... always a pleasure. ~M~
  2. Congratulations on a 7 Gordon! You have earned it! Maggie is bliss personified! The sky compliments her as it seems to complete the expansion of her wonderful energy. I love the creativity of this one. The only thing better would have been a shot of you getting this shot. I guess it's way to much to ask if you got one with her tail in it or not? Just to add to the curve? Another tough exposure fantastic DOF! You rock! ~Mary~
  3. 3/3s anyone?????? We all know you're out there... please share your

    comments, and critiques, yes this is bait.....

    Ahh life is good on Photo Net...

    Enjoy!!!! The day, may all your shots be sharp! ~Mary~

    Chicks rule...



    Thanks Leah I am glad you enjoyed the shot and felt the warmth. Thank you so much for taking the time to write. Most sincerely, ~Mary~

    ( BTW and sure enough a 3/3 posted without a comment? )

    Chicks rule...


    This was shot in the local feed store, so with that said... Will the

    anonymous 3/3's please step forward? I would love to hear your

    comments? and those of anyone who is inclined. With great

    appreciation, Mary.

  4. Amazing detail of a beautiful flower. The light on the foliage gives it a wonderful density. I am tempted to want to see more. Perfect light on the stem, just enough to define the lines, while keeping it subtle, and blending it to the background. Very nice work on a difficult subject.

    Master Chef

    I felt that to rate a below average I owed you an explanation. I didn't see much purpose in the photo. It seemed like a snap shot and for that it was fine. I feel the work on this site is really typically so superior to such a snapshot that by comparison I rated it low. Though I believe it's always good to leave on a positive note, So... its a good one for your memories book and I'm sure it will make you smile to remember the day.


    Very nice Elaine! Symbolic and sweet. I might have played around with the crop, though it is lovely just the way it is, as well. Fortunate couple to have you at the shutter. ~Mary~

    Infinite Dream


    It is so interesting how there seems to be a 3/3 in the mix even in

    the top rated photos???? Please let me know why? if you feel its less

    than average. All critique is good critique, that's why we're here.

    What a great group of photographers! Thanks everyone! ~Mary~

    rain and lilly


    I have experienced a wide varying response to my photos. I have

    noticed the same photo can rate a 3/3 and a 6/6. Please if you would?

    let me know if you feel it rates below average, exactly what would

    you like to see different? This is a wonderful forum for which to

    learn and build our craft. Thank you so much for your time. Most

    sincerely, ~Mary~

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