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Image Comments posted by mary_corning

    Medicine Man


    Touching the sky....


    I look forward to your comments. I suppose I submit, somewhat

    technically controversial photos because the same picture that brings

    a 6/6 can bring a 3/3. Please comment if you feel it is below average

    and help me to learn why? This is a great forum, and I really

    appreciate all thoughts, and the time it takes to write. Thank you so

    much. ~Mary~

    Dare to dream


    One of my favorite subjects, this frog adopted me and moved into a

    fountain in my living room. After three attempts to relocate her onto

    the wood pile outside, she won the debate and has lived with me ever

    since (3 years). She's free to come and go at will, crawling under

    the front door to go outside.

    Each winter she hibernates and each Spring she returns to her own

    private pool, my serenity fountain. I am fortunate to know her, and

    she has become family. Living in harmony with myself, the dogs, and

    the cats.


    This shot was taken on a chair in my living room. No special effects

    were used, this is simply Jane's Aura.

    Birds eye view


    Thank you for your ratings and input. If rated below average, I would

    very much appreciate comments as to what you would prefer to see?

    This is such a great opportunity to share. Enjoy! ~Mary~

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