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Image Comments posted by mary_corning



    We all can learn from appreciating the simple pleasures of

    life.... "awe......"

    Input, suggestions, a brief hello???? Thanks to all! Most sincerely,




    Basking in the warm sun this sea lion had not a care, even though all

    those around him fought ferociously for a spot on the sun bathed

    dock. This is a crop from a larger shot also submitted. I would love

    to hear which shot is preferred if either. I loved the texture. Any

    thoughts and suggestions. Thank you so much for your time and

    trouble. Most sincerely, ~ Mary ~

  1. Gordon, I know it is difficult to capture musicians on stage, as the music seems to carry so much of the vibe. It is often difficult to get a good angle and light. You absolutely nailed this one! tremendous! I feel as if he is yielding himself to the guitar and allowing the music to escape from his hand. Beautiful! Love it!
  2. I've been away for a bit... Yes this frog is the same one I photographed in the other shot posted here. She moved in with me 3 years ago. Lives in my water fountain on a table in my entry. I tried to convince her she'd be better off outside but she wouldn't have it. She just went in to hibernation again. This will be her fourth since she's lived here. I read they only live about four years, so it may be the last shot I get of her? Wonderful creatures! The males of this species do all the singing, and yes indeed they are beautiful vocalists! Thanks so much for dropping a note. Always great to hear from you! I'm heading over to your page to have a look at your new stuff.(which is always a pleasure,) ~Mary~

    January Moon


    I am somewhat surprised by the infrequent moonscapes here on PN.

    Perhaps through your comments and suggestions I will learn why? I

    enjoy shooting the moon. Hope you enjoy viewing it from my

    perspective. With gratitude, ~Mary~

  3. You are absolutely right on both counts. I too prefer a lower viewpoint. There is another shot of this bird in my portfolio that is a bit lower. And yes full sun, such a challenge. I liked the droplets suspended in space, and chose this one for that. Thank you so much for your honesty and taking the time to share your qualified eye. Most sincerely, ~Mary~
  4. This was a challenge and a lot of fun to create. The focus was tricky. I used the AV setting and under exposed it to the nines, as it was placed in a sunny window. I wanted the light to fill the glass though have a dark rich tone. Thank you so much for your kind comments. I never know how an image will fly here, and that's a half the fun. Best regards... ~Mary~

    Canoe Trip

    I love your eye for this composition Lesa. It really pops! The lines of the canoe are great too. I would have liked to see a bit more sharpness there. But really, its great! A lot to be proud of here! Wonderful job! ~Mary~
  5. Please take a moment if you will? and view larger. This is my first

    attempt at still life. This is not a photoshop image. It is as the

    camera took it. Although, I did enhance the contrast just a bit and

    cloned a few speckles. Thank you so much for all your comments past

    and present. You inspire me to reach higher. Many thanks... ~Mary~

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