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shots worth sharing

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Image Comments posted by shots worth sharing

    Blue House


    I can certainly relate to your hiatus, Jack. I've been rather stumbling through the thicket myself--but shooting as I go.


    This, and its neighbors here, is from my (modestly successful) Salmon-fishing expedition to New Brunswick. Andrew is right, I think, that the composition is a bit stolid and could benefit from more space on the left--it was certainly a pleasant view of Miramichi Bay.) Looking at the originals, I find this version actually has the most of that and I can't recall whether or not I had a good reason to shoot so close. I'm glad you like it.


    Oh, it actually appears in your pnet space--I'm really flattered, Jack!

    Green Scene

    Thanks for the very nice comment, José --and for bring me back to this. I had intended to take a second look after an interval but forgot. Now, I have to say I do like it myself. I think you put your finger on some of its strengths. I also think the lines and shadow give lend a dynamic despite it's stillness. .


    Thanks Ady--S/he was trying to escape my attention but there was a creek between us. I don't know much about the habits of these birds but I got the feeling there was a nest (or young ones) in that thicket.



    Thanks Jack. I'm sorry to say there's no lemonade--it seems to have been inexplicably abandoned at the height of the housing bubble. It speaks to me of a way of life which is --for better & worse--a fading memory.


    Red Dragon

    Yep, I joined a gaggle of Pentaxians for an outing over on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake--it's a target-rich setting. I even got a shot of an Bald Eagle in flight (good enough to boast--but not to post ;~)
  1. There is the trademark (and paradoxical) immediate stillness in this shot and the textures of the clothing are really captivating.


    I too have become a less energetic participant in pnet over the past year for reasons I don't at all understand and--though perhaps an improved photographer--less sure.





    "Is there a more beautiful flower?" No. This was an opportunistic shot taken at a social gathering. The sunlight was witheringly brilliant that day but played well with a CP in the shade.


  2. Again, you've put your finger on something I couldn't articulate, Jack. I found this guy, newly emerged, on a stop sign standard and relocated him to this less vulnerable location. He was huge, with a body the size of my thumb--Mothra redux ;~)
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