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shots worth sharing

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Image Comments posted by shots worth sharing


    HI, Jack! I'm fairly spider-averse but these guys don't bother me--except in aggregations. I actually took this fairly casually for a "No Words" thread and was pleasantly surprised.
  1. Hi, Gord! Yep, I was hoping to bust the culprit astronaut for litterin' but the resolution isn't quite good enough to make out the fingerprints on those Tang boxes ;~)


    The lens is a big ol' screw-mount and the TC is interesting because it provides AF (once you get close to the focus manually.) This shot was focused manually, though--the hawk showed up very conveniently during the initial trials of the combination.


    The results aren't *super* tack-sharp and I get a bit of CA (which I can reasonably mitigate in pp) but I'd have to spend 10x as much to do significantly better.


    The other fun thing is that I'm shooting these from my back porch here in Baltimore where I get great lighting on clear mornings and that (lamented) dead oak is something of a bird magnet.




    Ah-ha--the shadows got to you! The answer to your question is "out". This is the old Recreation Pier (a waterfront rec center) which was recently put to use as the police station in "Homicide." I'm not sure whether the barriers are just to keep folks from the possibility of falling in or to limit access to the Moran tugboats which seem to have mooring rights.


    This was one of those sleeper shots re-discovered in the process of cleaning up files.

    A Moment

    You're right, Ady, it is washed out. I tend to 'punch up' my photos a bit and wanted to try punching this one down. It does give it a different feel but it's fairly blatant, I guess. I rather like the way it blends into the pnet background, though. Thanks for looking and commenting!


    Thanks for wading through these Shawn! I went a bit obsessive about this bud. Those episodes are always instructive but sorting out the aftermath is always a challenge. I agree this is one of the best (along with 1 & 4, perhaps?) I've just posted a tenth which is also a contender, I think. I'm done with it, btw--finis ;~)


    Afterlunch? Actually I think the title may be a bit too didactic. I have to admit I really like this, though. It would make a really good book cover, I think. It also occurred to me that it would be fun to photoshop someone's face into the sun: I can think of some possibilities--none of whom I admire. ;~)
  2. I'm really quite shy about photographing strangers--just don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. These were all shot at the (somewhat soft) 250mm end of a super-zoom.


    The departing flights curb at an airport is really a great location, though, because folks are so focused on the business at hand. I wouldn't try it with film because it's so chaotic and fast-moving and a high percentage of shots are "losers."


    I was trying focusing my attention primarily on the cabbies (lv2 &3), and the "parting exchange" in particular, but didn't get any real winners. This one is probably the best.

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