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shots worth sharing

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Image Comments posted by shots worth sharing

    Zinnias 2

    They *are* indeed! Photographing them can be pretty addictive, I'm afraid. There was just something in the dynamic of this shot I found especially appealing. Thanks for looking!
  1. Gord,

    I gave my daughter the assignment of writing a description of a photo of her choice from the "No Words" thread. She selected this one and wrote,


    "The bright orange swivels running down the dark like blue shades make you feel like you’re at the ocean looking in the water of ripples. The swirls are like ribbons being twirled in the air by little kids. When you look at them they bring a happy look to your eye .The colors of the swivels make you feel like you’re looking up at the blue sky and see the rays of sun gleaming down on you. The shadows of the orange are as bright as a lemon."


    Everybody's a critic, eh? ;~)


    Regards, Dave

  2. (Gasp) but that would be cheating! :~) Actually it's the *carrying* that bothers me more (esp. liquid in the camera bag--I could parlay that into a disaster in no time flat!)
  3. Oh, man it's great to hear from you, Shawn! It figures that a mushroom with shadows would get a rise ;~) These things have sprouted all over campus this week. The problem is that they appear where the background is the most prosaic (mowed grass) and B&W seemed the best approach. I wish the dew was a bit more apparent but I'm glad you like it.
  4. Although it's a pretty bad photograph (kind of like one of those tabloid "Nessie" shots), I'm rather proud of this: it seems to me that shooting a jumping dolphin from the beach is something of an accomplishment.
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