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Image Comments posted by larry_korhank

    AMNH 6

    The image is kind of like something new in the zoo cage. It�s fun to turn over and explore with all the senses. One of the local pros informed me that term for the repetitive viewing of the digital camera screen is �chimping�. Here I�m the 3ird layer monkey, or Adam discovering that I�m naked, or maybe a Post Warp thinking about violating the �Prime Directive�.
  1. It?s not "Venus Sleeping", but it has interesting visual relationships with mood lighting that help to stimulate thought. Mostly I wonder what?s she?s thinking. Deep thoughts about the meaning of life or is she wondering if that?s Nicole Richie without a wig?




    "I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them." ~ Diane Arbus And who cares if they don't care :-) Also happy to see you're still seeing.


    Good communication of an angelic and spiritual mood, but I think the feet should be separated and posed perhaps in more of a ballet position.

    Road Kill

    Hard to pass by and ignore road kill when they?re looking back. It probably wasn?t the intention of the poser, but now they have (with the help of your photo) elevated the issue.
  2. I have an enhanced appreciation of this shot because it accomplishes what I failed to do on my recent aquarium visit. I had plenty of opportunities. Everybody (young, old, male, female) who walked by the gator tank tapped the glass as if turning on the TV. I suspect that we spend as much time looking through one sort of glass or another as the gator. Composition, model?s expression, pose, and imperceptible desaturation of background are signs of a skilled craftsman.


    Pushkin, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy could capture the Russian Soul with words and this Russian photo-artist can capture it with a camera. Congratulations Leona!
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