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Image Comments posted by larry_korhank

    You should have a Gallery Exhibit of your photos and title it “Why Didn’t you think of this”. Typically in fall there are more leaves on the ground than in the trees. I try to include them in the photo, but the results seem to be lacking. Yours is perfect! Why didn’t I think of this?


    In the “old” days screens and web software were set at 72 DPI. So for my 15” tall screen anything over 72dpi x 15= 1080 pixels high would have to be scrolled. I have no idea what that means for 4K screens and how website software deals with resolution issues. Maybe the IT folks will have a better answer.


    It’s a miracle! You’ve turned Winter back into Fall! I’m still figuring out what size to make my posts at photo.net. If they’re too big you have to scroll to see the whole picture. On my screen I have to scroll to see yours.

    Wow that's a big studio! I tried setting one up in a 10x10 space in the barn, but there was never enough space to do full size. Especially hard to get background separation. Solved the problem by shrinking the size of my models. Thanks for taking us behind the lights.
  1. Nikon is the True King of the Jungle! Well… actually when digital came out the local professionals sold all their Nikon equipment to buy Canon. I don’t know which is better now. Doesn’t make any difference for me, because once a hobby photographer buys a couple of lenses, they are stuck. Funny image at a time we all need a smile!
  2. Oh, sorry, ... forgot there was another West Coast. Us Americans have certainly earned our egocentric reputations the last 4 years. Anyway, now that I have the right West Coast, I assume the lighthouse on the “west side” is symbolic of the coast and the tree and bench is the interior to the east. Maybe even a National Park. The subject seems to be stuck in between , in the rain, maybe with a dreary job to match the mood. Your digital work is always first rate. Wish I could do it. However, I’m still going to complain about the digital rain. Maybe a puddle would do. And where are the coastal mountains? BTW, I'm suffering from Covid Cabin Fever, so don't take me too seriously.

    My cute fat cat

    I like the drain. For me it balances all the white space on the left. It also functions as a Black Hole, creating drama with the Cat’s Tongue Ripple Galaxy. It also gives the water someplace to go. Our cats are addicted to water dripping from the bath spout. Every mourning they leap into the tub to get their fix. Once I forgot to open the drain. Splash!
  3. Thoughts in chronological order: 1. The clouds and umbrella do a good job of implying rain, but the “digital rain” is kind of a thought blocking screen. 2. What the hell is Mary Poppins doing out there and what’s her relationship to the other elements? 3. It never rains in California, but girl don’t they warn you, it pours, man it pours.
  4. Looks like all the forks go to the same place. So maybe the message is “it’s the journey, not the destination.” Especially since there doesn’t seem to be any destination . In any case, it’s an excellent example of how to take a bunch of forks and design an interesting image with leading lines, alignment, repetition, contrast, and balance. Great job!

    Soul Mates

    Wow, Hallmark should buy this for Valentines Day cards. Seriously! If it were mine, I’d crop it closer, lighten the necks, and remove their yellow color.
  5. I have mixed feelings about the downed trees in your image, and in waterfalls in general. In the last 5 decades many of the Appalachian Mountain Hemlock trees have died and most of the falls are “littered” with fallen hemlocks. My waterfall buddy hates them, and won’t even go to falls that have a lot of them. Personally I don’t really mind them too much, and what can you do about it anyway? If possible I’ll work them into the composition, and if that’s not possible, crop them out of the frame, or just go with the “it is what it is” flow.
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