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Image Comments posted by larry_korhank

    Distant Shores

    I’m doubtful these immigrants will get a warm welcome. Didn't know there was such a thing as a digital tilt-shift-blur. I miss the selective focus of my old medium formats, but all digital attemps to reproduce it have failed.
  1. Long, long, ago, before Bear Grylls (1969), my Jr. High friend and I decided to raft (2- one man military surplus) this gorge starting near Taos. When we crossed under this bridge we heard large splashes. The nice people on the bridge were trying to drop rocks on us. It got worse from there. Later in the day we were smashed by class 6 rapids and lost everything. It was summer, but I’ve never been so cold that night. As you know, you can’t just climb out of the gorge. After a day or so of hiking along the river we found a Indian fisherman who fed us starving kids his lunch. Then we hitched back to Taos in the back of a pick-up with more Indians. My friend's father, who had dropped us off to begin the journey, didn’t look too happy to see us back. But to be fair, we were bratty kids! Anyway, your photo isn't the best I’ve seen, but it did bring back memories.
  2. To me this pose is very anti-erotic. Actually I think that was the intent. At best it’s more of a pose for a medical exam. But I think it’s much, much, darker. The message is “you can take my body, but not my soul. “ We can’t see her face. In fact she has strenuously blocked access to anything except dark holes. It’s sad and disturbing. Even more disturbing is this is real life for many women in the world.

    Storm has passed

    The model is eye catching just by herself. Add the black dress and she’s also mysterious. Contrast her with the background and you can’t look away. Add the selective focus and she has your soul.

    The location is beautiful! The model is beautiful! But the photographer needs to do some more work to make a beautiful photo. First, you need better light. Fill flash might help, but the model may be too far away. A reflector may help, but you’d have zoom in to keep it out of the frame and need another person to hold it. Sometimes a big hat will at least keep the entire face in the same light, but she doesn’t look like a big hat person. So my suggestion would be to come back when the light isn’t so harsh. Then the model’s pose should match the purpose of the photo. If it’s to relate the beautiful women to the beautiful location, that would be stronger if she wasn’t looking at the camera. Maybe she could somehow interact with the cave? One thing I really like about the background are all the parallel diagonal lines. Maybe the model could wear matching lines, or better, pose in a way to interact with those lines. Of course it’s easy for me to sit at my computer to make all these suggestions, that would require someone else to do a lot of work!
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