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bernie moore

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Image Comments posted by bernie moore


    Umapathy, Interesting and bold perspective, yet so much detail is lost. About half of the pic is whiteout and your dynamic range is too great. I suggest shooting at a time of day when the sky isn't so bright and the less harsh contrast will allow better detail of the interesting architecture. Regards, Bernie


    Linh, beautiful shot. Technically perfect and the moment is arresting. Makes you wonder if it can hang on to dinner. Regards, Bernie


    Elena, technically, the photo is fine. Focus on eyes, good bokeh. Artistically I can't help you; I love cats too much,and this one is just adorable:) Regards, Bernie


    Marian, priceless. This old girl is taking a well deserved break. I'll bet the kits are sacked out nearby, bellies full. Regards, Bernie
  1. Because it is a nude, I want sharper focus; because it is a memory, it is in far better focus than most of mine. Another beautiful image, dear Jana. In my first posting on PN on 2/28/07 you commented "I think there is a lack of composition." It stung. I looked over your portfolio and was amazed at the beauty. The stinging words are with me whenever I hold a camera to my eye, but now they are inspirational. You have done so much for me with that little remark. So please accept my heartfelt if belated thanks. That's why I call you "dear Jana." Bernie
  2. Deroo, handsome photo of a handsome cat. The intensity of his expression is magnetic. If I might suggest taking a look at this with the bottom third cropped out. Regards, Bernie
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