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bernie moore

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Image Comments posted by bernie moore


    David and Lisa are back. You'd have to be old to understand that. Beautiful portrait. The lighting is perfect. Regards, Bernie

    Is It Me or...

    The white tall building is perpendicular. Both streets are sloping toward the camera. The parking garage is an upward spiral toward the camera. The camera is straight (I hope) Thanks for commenting. Regards, Bernie


    Sergiu, wonderful shot. No pretensions, just two tired women taking a break. They seem not to be aware of the photographer, or too tired to care. Regards, Bernie


    Donibane, the serenity of this image is shattered by the center of gravity of the boatman. Such a compelling vision. I keep staring. Regards, Bernie

    Her Hair

    Brad, quite a composition. I like the madness of the hair playing against the serenity of the face. Lighting is outstanding, too. Regards, Bernie
  1. Frederick, in this picture you have transcended the "snapshot". You have arranged your action subject as if he is going to fly beyond the confines of the frame. You have silhouetted your subject with interesting lighting. You have rich color in really low light. Really you have shot a wonderful photograph with your new Canon. In other words you have created a shot. Regards, Bernie

    Night market

    Michael, I suggest: (1) you crop out the right of the pic. (2)You tone down the overexposure of the veggies in the box to balance the perfectly exposed face. This is a very good portrait. Regards, Bernie


    Yu Yu, Nice shot. Have you thought about a smaller subject in a wider view? If you subject was 50 yards further away I think you might increase the power of the statement. Regards, Bernie
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