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bernie moore

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Image Comments posted by bernie moore

    Maine Bard Owl

    Michael, I wish I knew what lens you had on the d80 at the time. I know it was set at 110 mm or so and your aperture was at 5.6 with an ISO of 400. A lens a little more open would put more of the background into a less distracting. Perhaps 5.6 was wide open for this lens. Another thing is that high ISO invites a little graininess. OK here's what I would do with this: Crop out about half of the left side; it's adds nothing to the subject. If you have Photoshop, then sharpen what is left. Your focus is dead on the owl's eyes and that's a good thing. This is a wonderful picture and a fabulous start here at Photo.net. Welcome, I just know you are going to be posting some great stuff in the future. Regards, Bernie btw Did you mean "barn" owl?


    Ian, a portrait has to be interesting with a recognizable identity of the subject. This is interesting, because it evokes a doubletake. Well done. Regards, Bernie

    Birds on Wires 1

    Chris, I wonder what you were trying to show? So much of this set is just empty, not much to look at. Is not the purpose of a photograph to show your viewer something? Regards, Bernie


    Jalil, crop, crop, crop. The scholarly theme can be well established in the horizontal format without dragging your viewer through the mountainous stacks of books and the aforementioned distracting color swatches. Regards, Bernie


    Megan, stunning! The best of your quite good portfolio. The color, the background, pose, her dress...what a blend of elements. Regards, Bernie

    Rainbow Lorikeet

    David, very well done. The initial temptation to tell you to invert the pic was quickly abandoned by the knowledge of how much these guys like to feed upside down. Regards, Bernie.
  1. Nick, rather spectacular display of abstract art and an explosion of orange, yet founded in a real scene, It's almost overkill. Try some different cropping. You may have two or three pics in there. Fascinating shot.Regards, Bernie
  2. Nicklaus, looks like you got there just after the perfect light. The mesa could be punched up a little. The symmetry of the two focal points are lacking any dynamics that off centering could bring. The pic is so large that I have to scroll and only see it in parts; this leads me to note that IMHO cropping to the middle of the bush works well. Food for thought. All in all it's a pretty good pic. BTW welcome to photonet, it's a wonderful resource. Regards, Bernie
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