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Image Comments posted by alioffe

    Hallet Peak


    Very good composition. I think it is too much contrast: I cannot distiguish details in the dark spot on the left, but details on foreground and on roks are almost washed out.

  1. I used 2-stop GND. The image was practically not post-processed. I slightly increased contrast and added warming. We have really colorfull sunsets and sunrises, but in winter and autumn seasons. Especially when is freezing. 

    Soft water..


    I fell in love with this picture immediately I saw it. Connection of unusual lighting, moonlight tonality, blured water make some magic. It is fantastic and realistic at the same time. The realistic look probably is achieved by the almost contour lighting which accents the texture and so close to the viewer so I feel could touch it. But the bluish moonlight color and blured water makes it unrealistic. Such conflict probably creates so magic view. Excellent pictire!

  2. Kristen, It was taken 3 years ago in Coquitlam from Westwood Plateau. I guess in Pacific North it is not common. At least for 12 years I'm living here I saw it only once.

    Well, of course, it is not a big value as "artistic conception", but an attempt to entertain the PN community a bit. I actually posted it in "Humor". So do not judge too much Thanks everyone for viewing

  3. Thank you everyone who so far has put inspirational comments on my work. I have not so many pictures which could deliver such feedback, so I count each comment as a recognition of my achievement. That is especially important for a non-professional photograper as I am.

  4. Thank you Bob, Michael and Ernest for inspirational comments.

    Technically it was not difficult shot as these cargo ships look frozen. I guess, they are waiting something before move to port.

    The thing which makes this shot a bit different from my other similar one http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=9886396

     is I use long focus (105mm) which made the ship looks close then it appear in reality. I hope it made the composition more interesting.

    Thank you again for noticing my work. I hope you find ineteresting my other works as well.

  5. The location is Stawamus Chief (or simply The Chief) near to Squamish,

    BC, Canada. The elevation about 700m.


    There is no fencing or anything to protect the woman from careless

    steps. A few more steps and this picture would be the last one in her


    Thank you

    Silver Grass

    I think sharpness here is not much an issue, because the nature of the plant and also the idea that the plant just lost the weight and is flying on itself in weightlessness (the stem is practically invisible)

    Silver Grass


    I love this. I think though if the stem continued a bit more and then gradually disapper it would be better. It is there but is not much visible on my monitor. Or my monitor has too much contrast?

    Thank you

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