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Everything posted by Brad_

  1. >>> The problem with common sense is it's subjective. To me, common sense would dictate you don't take pictures of people inside their homes. Agree. Also, for me, having an empathic view with respect to fellow humans, thinking about how people in their home might feel about being photographed surreptitiously, would carry a lot of weight. As a photographer I know I have many rights, and as a street photographer I employ them regularly on the street. But that doesn't mean I'm required to use them in all situations.
  2. >>> You (and I) will probably eventually have to go to Yosemite, but maybe not tomorrow. I updated three machines to Yosemite months ago, not long after it first came out. Like millions of others, I've had no problems. After four months (in February) it has been installed on 51% of all Macs, apparently a record.
  3. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Tank%20302.jpg"><BR> <i> From Amtrak train window, on the way to Davis, CA • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <P> .<P> </center>
  4. >>> YES! NO CLOUD FOR ME! Me either. I'm fine and much prefer employing and taking responsibility for my own offsite backup system. With 100K+ images over the years that works great for me. Also... Though I'm confident Amazon will not go under anytime soon, there have been a couple online data backup companies that have gone out of business in the past leaving their customers in a lurch.
  5. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Lines700.jpg"><BR> <i> San Francisco • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <P> .<P> </center>
  6. >>> ... tech writer for a company that made analog recording equipment... Just curious, would that possibly be Echo Science Corp.?
  7. >>> To me, content is king, however, I have discussion with others that think 'sharpness' is all that matters.<P> Most of the portraits I make are of strangers I encounter on the street. As a viewer, I enjoy looking at photographs that withhold some information and pose questions, rather than supplying a complete set of answers. That stirs my imagination and helps release narrative. Photographs, especially portraits, that are about sharpness rarely satisfy that aspect.<P> In addition to the portrait below, <a href= "http://citysnaps.net/2011%20photos/TL%20Faces%202011/">here is a set of portraits</a> I made in one particular neighborhood in San Francisco. Sharpness was not on my mind when making them.<P> <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2013%20photos/Shirt.jpg"><BR> <i> San Francisco • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <P> .<P> </center>
  8. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Truck%20and%20tanks.jpg"><BR> <i> Woodside, California • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <P> .<P> </center>
  9. No interest here. Among other reasons, the Sun would likely collapse before my library of image files finish uploading.
  10. >>> 13 replies, none of which addresses the OP's question, all of which are total BS! Is this a record? Shocked. Totally. Not a record, yours makes 14.
  11. >>> "Organic" as a lens quality? Purchased at Whole Foods?
  12. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2014%20Photos/WhiteCars.jpg"><BR> <i> Daly City, California • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <P> .<P> </center>
  13. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2013%20photos/ThreeMarket.jpg"><BR> <i> San Francisco • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <BR>.</center> <P>
  14. Thanks, Sarah. I think photos are stronger and can help release narrative, stirring the viewer's imagination, when some information is withheld, rather than supplying all of the answers.
  15. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2013%20photos/Leg.jpg"><BR> .</center> <P>
  16. Would portability be of benefit; i.e. traveling, coffee shops, multiple locations, etc? Another option, one I'd choose (if not sensitive to price) even though one of my computers is a Mac Mini with SSD, would be the new 2015 retina MacBook Pro fitted with i7 cpu. That can also drive a NEC display when stationary. But more importantly, the latest gen built-in PCIe SSD drive will yield twice the read/write rates of previous versions (and is even faster than the SSD in the current MacPro).
  17. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Moss%20Landing%20Color.jpg"><BR> <i> Moss Landing, California • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <BR>.</center> <P>
  18. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2014%20Photos/Kids_.jpg"><BR> <i> San Francisco • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <P> .<P> </center>
  19. I've been using Yosemite on several computers since its release. Zero problems, snappy. Safari seems snappier as well. Overall an excellent upgrade. It's currently <a href= "http://www.computerworld.com/article/2892966/os-x-yosemites-uptake-breaks-50.html">on more than 50%</a> of all Macs - not bad for such a short period of time.
  20. <a href="http://www.avclub.com/article/bank-canada-says-its-legal-not-appreciated-spock-y-216004">Best tribute.</a>
  21. >>> Digital cameras gave us speed in photography but the emotion is missing. Fifteen years into the new millennium and some people still think that it is merely a camera's capture medium rather than a photographer's eye, skill, and understanding of light that create photographs having the ability to release emotion, narrative, and stir imagination within a viewer. Astonishing.
  22. <center> .<P> <img src= "http://citysnaps.net/2013%20photos/Pink%20Toes%201.jpg"><BR> <i> San Francisco • ©Brad Evans 2015 </i> <BR>.</center> <P>
  23. But wait, <a href= "http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/02/ssl-busting-code-that-threatened-lenovo-users- found-in-a-dozen-more-apps/? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+arstechnica%2Findex+%28Ars+T echnica+-+All+content%29">there's more.</a>
  24. I would not characterize it as being "exposed" as that is how most contemporary photography is sold in downtown high-presence galleries. Lik was able to to take it to another level, though. The gallery system of editioning and tiered editioning of prints is not new. Nor is the fact that for most contemporary photographs sold in such galleries (outside of those by well-known photographers with work in museums, such as Sally Mann, Richard Avedon, Robert Frank, etc), there is essentially no secondary market - the result being that owners selling a work in the future will likely encounter a large loss. That's something I've written about on photonet a few times in the past, including in the thread linked by Shun, above. Personally I don't like it, but it's the way the gallery system works today.
  25. One, ten, or one hundred moderators. That's behind the scenes activity. As long as the forums run smoothly, why should I as a user worry about the number? That's a management decision. In any case, many thanks to those that volunteer their time!
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