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Pierre Dumas

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Status Updates posted by Pierre Dumas

  1. I know you are watching, @tai



  2. Buon compleanno, mio caro amico!



  3. Sandy, I opened a topic "how to request review" and no reactions so far! Can you tell me, please?!


    Here's the topic

  4. I dedicated this picture to you, my friend, maestro @michaellinder



  5. I tried to edit my image and this appeared:


    Why is this limitation necessary, why can't we edit our posts, comments, images, albums at any time after they've been posted or created?!

  6. Hi, Jamie! Why are all your pictures  banned for viewing, sir?

    1. Sandy Vongries

      Sandy Vongries

      Pls Let me know if there is an issue, I'll see what I can do.

    2. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      When I clicked on "images" on Jamie's page all images text was red and when I clicked on them a window appeared with "You do not have permission to view this content. "

      Thank you for your assistance, Sandy!


    3. JamieK


      I do not know, Pierre.  Thanks for your concern, though.

  7. Hi, Michael! Long time no see my friend! If you want critique just go to gallery, choose category and add image, as simple as that! Then go to comment pictures of other members and just insert a hyperlink of the image you want to be commented. That's all! You can start with me!

    Cheers to that


  8. What happened with the metadata, Mr mjensen? None of my photos has exif anymore!

  9. I haven't seen a reply by Mr Mjensen to the numerous posts from "angry users" so far?!

    1. Sandy Vongries

      Sandy Vongries

      Here is the most recent update I have seen 


    2. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      I found all my images (I guess) following the mjensen's instructions! Really, there are no images on the page he pointed to, only "reactions", but since they are reactions to images with hyperlink on the title it lead me to my pictures! Never ending maze this new photo.net! Thank you, Sandy!

  10. Please, critique and rate from 1 to 7! Thank you!


  11. Please, critique and rate from 1 to 7! Thank you!


  12. I think the rating must be reintroduced in the way that once was! Those who receive low ratings should be able to avoid rating! "Submit for rating" possibility should be the solution of that problem. Rating from 1-7 should be anonymous, but the authors of the works submitted for rating should also be anonymous! What do you think about this concept, Mr Mjensen?

  13. I wonder how this stupid "reputation" is being calculated?!

  14. No words, just a picture for critique, maybe!?


    1. kathyb


      Very clever and creative!

    2. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      Thank you, Kathy!

  15. No words, just a picture for critique, maybe!?


    1. kathyb


      Very nice, Pierre!  I wonder what he's thinking about?

    2. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      I forgot to ask him, Kathy! Cheers to that!

  16. No words, just a picture for critique, maybe!?


    1. kathyb


      I like it!

    2. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      Sure, how not to like this funny face, ha! Thank you, Kathy!

  17. No words, just a picture for critique, maybe!?


    1. kathyb


      I love this, Pierre!

    2. kathyb


      I love this, Pierre!

      It will take some time for the admins to finish the functionality of this website,

    3. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      Thank you, Kathy! Yes, you are right about that!

  18. No words, just a picture for critique, maybe!?


    1. kathyb



      Here in the USA we get "snail" mail.  It took 2 weeks for a card I mailed to go from New York to California.  It should have only taken 3 days,

    2. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      How interesting!

    3. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      I forgot to thank you, Kathy! Thank you very much!

  19. All of a sudden I became a "Newbie"! Those who don't remember me can see in my biography, now "About me" that I'm no new to photo.net and near my name DUMAS it says exactly when I became a member of this once great community (the only advantage of this "Newbie" site)! All my pictures are gone, all my comments are gone and my "Reputation" is zero, 0!!! Congratulations to all newbies who at least kept their names, my, Pierre Dumas is also gone! Cheers to that!

    1. Niels - NHSN

      Niels - NHSN

      The migration is not completet yet, I hope it cleans up. I think everyone starts as newbie (I have been member since 1997) - I have advanced a little because I have posted a bit the last day or two.

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