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Image Comments posted by esau_b.

  1. Love the pose, the couch and the placement of the feather. My only gripe with the photo is that she's not in the center of the couch, holding with the symmetry of the photo. Also, her hands are not in the same position. If you were you aiming for this, then please disregard. Lovely photos you take...


    Even though I am in full agreement with you on keeping art from getting too digitized, I differ on you in regards to using another tool, i.e. the computer, to achieve something that could have been done with a better lens or technique: sharpness of the photo. Had you gone out and re-shot the building with your first tool choice, a sharp lens, you might have taken a sharper photo, thus not having to use the backup tool, the computer, to make up for the lack of clarity. It's using one tool to do what the other could not. Now if the computer was used to place something onto the building that was never there, say a tree or a leopard or a fire in the background, then I could see your argument being valid. But we all have our own methods and principles and I can totally understand yours. Keep up the great shots!



    Great composition. One suggestion would be to not have that 1st gap on the stairs, bottom of the photo. Start off the stairs on a solid note is what i always say :op

    Thats just me be picky. I like the shot.



    I think this is a pretty good shot. A few suggestions which would improve the photo: 1st) it's tilting to the left a little. 2nd) I would bump up the contrast just a little to get more definition in between the edges of the building. 3rd) play with the sharpening filter in PS (if you have it). It's does some pretty interesting stuff. Here's a version of my suggestions. Keep up the good work.


    summer is ...

    Great composition. I like how you cropped the railing so that the eye is direct downward towards the girl and water. I also like the b/w look you've chosen. Well done.



    You've got a very beautiful subject matter to photograph here. I like the composition and the expression on her face. My only gripe with the photo, and to be honest with most of your photos, is that they are more on the dark end of the spectrum. I also have a D70s and the camera, I've noticed, tends to take pictures on the darker side. This is not bad because you can then do some post processing and not have lost highlights with your original shot. I've attached a version of this photo that I've played with a little in PS. Now if the darkness of your photos is what you are going after than please disregard the critique. But again, IMO, i think they could use a little lightening up to bring your subject matter more into the foreground. Take a look and see for your self. Keep up the good work.


    Spaced out

    Had that little bugger off in the distance been looking out like the others, this would have been perfect. :P It's a great shot none-the-less. Great composition, again, and timing.



    I think you did a great job on the composition. Everything seems to balance in my opinion. The only thing I notice that might be suspect is the color of the suit. I doubt it was a dark gray, maybe i'm wrong here, but more of a black. I think the flash, if used, might have washed out the dark color which would have helped "punch out" the colors of the flower and tie a little more effectively. A little fooling around in PS and I came up with this version, a little darker. Hope you don't mind. Great shot though!




    I like the composition very much. Top down always makes for an interesting view. My only gripe with the photo really is the darkness of it. Looks muddy. I've attached a version of this photo that I fooled around with in PS for a few minutes. Just an alternate view of it. Nice shot though.



    An interesting photo you've taken here. I thought that the black thing on the right of the frame was a hand pointing to the emblem. Maybe you saw that as well, hence the photo. Only suggestions would be to bump up the saturation a little and also crop out that bottom portion, right before the red starts. Great shot though!
  2. Throw in a piano and you've got my favorite jazz trio! It's a nice shot. Moody, love the b/w, and good close up. My only gripe with it is the "net" or whatever it is in the top right corner of the photo. You can either crop the photo or stamp it out in PS. Regardless, keep it up. By the way, how was the music?



    Excellent eye to even catch this abstract shot. A few suggestions would be to crop out a part of the left frame so as not to see that vertical band. Also, on the bottom right corner is a small bit of a branch that, IMO, is a little distracting. Lastly, the photo seems to have a bit of a red tint to it, maybe it was the sun? Regardless, you've captured a good shot. I've attached my suggestions of this shot, hope you don't mind. :o)




    Two Leaves


    You've got some nice images in your work. My suggestions would be to play around with your photos a little in PS or some digital editing program. I've attached another version of this where i've adjusted the sharpness and saturation a little. Also, i cropped the image to bring more focus on the leaves and the color contrasts. It's a good idea though.




    I too like the composition and B/W version of this. I actually would crop out the right side, specifically the last remaining window. IMO, it's a bit distracting. . Agree with the smiling part of the previous crit. Nice shot though.




    Hey Jeff.


    Nice shot. Is this the music hall in downtown L.A.? I like the b/w vesion of this. My only suggestion would be to crop the bottom left corner, where that first line starts, and also the right side of the picture at the point where the shadow beginb/ends to have a smoother transistion for the eye to travel up the picture. But i like it. Nice job.



    That's a trip! Either you've got a great lens to get such shallow DOF or your post processing is interesting. Regardless, it makes for a nice effect. Nice job.



    Your so called study of photography has not made you the end all for what is deemed interesting or not. If you want to give advice on how to make it better, great, do so. But if all you want to do is say you don't think it's interesting, without offering suggestions on how to improve it, then remember what your mom said as a little one: if you don't have anything nice to say about something, then don't say anything at all.


    Now on to the photo...i think the composition with the simple use of colors makes for an interesting shot. This and the first shot in the series are the standouts in your clouds series. Not sure, but maybe it's got some vignetting going on in the corners there. Might be my screen. Keep up the shooting.

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