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Image Comments posted by esau_b.



    Nice shot. My suggestions would be to slighty rotate the photo ccw, the bride seems to be going up on the left just a little. Also, i might crop some of the lower portion out. Maye adjust the saturation to bring out more of the beautiful color youve captured here. Ive attached a version of my suggestions. Its a great photo.


    Air (16)

    I really like the colors and the framing youve chosen here. My suggestions would be to straigthen the framing just a little. I would make those beams as close to vertical as possible. Second, i think that part below the persons chair is a little distracting. I dont mind, and actually like, the washed out white part, b/c it contrasts with his silhoutte. It would have been better had the whole background been consistent. But again, its a very nice shot. Nicely done.


    Great shot! I like how the background, though out of focus, draws the eye to your subject. Wonderful use of setting and composition.

    Weeping 4U




    This is a great shot. I really like your use of color. I have some minor suggestions. There are some things on the bottom right of the shot, trash?, that are a bit distracting to the eye, IMO(not sure how you feel about stamping them out in PS?). Second, i might crop just a little bit off the bottom of the photo to start the line of the cement wall on the corner of the photo to lead the eye directly to the tree. Ive attached a version of my suggestions. Besides those minor things, its a beautiful capture.




    I like the compostion of the shot as it is. I like how the bench comes in and draws the eye to the seated man. I too agree that it is a little dark. Also, i think you need to crop out just a little bit on the right side, to center the man the shot, as well as some of the top portion of the frame. Ive attached a version of my suggestions.Besdies that, its a great find. Well done.






    This is a wonderful landscape. I have a few suggestions that i think might bring about a different look to it. First, i notice that the image is slightly reddish in tone. Second, it seems a little dark, i would try playing with the curves in PS. Lastly, i would crop out just a little bit of the right portion, where the hill starts/ends, so that viewers eye can be directed up towards that road youve captured. ive attached a version of my suggestions. Its very lovely! Nice job.



    I think its a pretty good composition but i would suggest a few things. First, the exposure is not right. When you shoot with such a large amount of sky in the background, you have to adjust your cameras exposure setting so as not to lose the details in the foreground, i.e the rocks. Second, always make sure that your horizon is level. Also, there is a red cast over the image. And lastly, i would try to either capture this shot again without the birds, b/c IMO they are a bit distracting. They look more like dust specks on the photo. Having said all of that, i lik ehow youve captured that wave hitting the near rock. Good timing.


    I think it's a very interesting study of color. I like it very much. My only gripe with it is the croppnig youve done to the front bumber. Would liked to have seen the remaining portion. But its a great shot!
  1. I like the composition very much. IMO, i might crop out just a little of the raod on the bottom. My biggest gripe with the photo is the exposure. These type of shots are tough b/c the camera reads too much of the sky and thus underexposes so as not to blow highlight. But in doing so, you get a foreground that is underexposed, which is the case here. Next time try playing around with different exposure readings. You make sure he didn't jump, right?
  2. Nicely shot. I like the symmetry youve found here. And the mood with the color effect. IMO, it seems a little crooked, could be just me. Ive attached a version of it not leaning, in my opinion. You can decided which is straight. But again, great shot.



    I'm not sure about the vertical format. I like the room shes given the tears/droplets. But then again, thats jsut my taste.

    Post wall


    I like how youve kept the horizon level. I like the scene in general. The only thing i would do different, IMO, is try cropping a little here, and a little there to see if there arent any other versions of this picture that might pop out a little more. Ive attached a cropped version that centers the beam. Its a nice shot . Well done.






    This is a geat shot. Very moody with the dark lighting, and it can actually seem like tear drops with the mood youve set. My only suggestion would be to crop out the to left corner, the black spot there, IMO, is a little distracting. But its a well executed shot none the less.


    Nice composition and use of colors. I like how youve saturated the colors, im assuming, to get this lovely effect. Well done.


    Very cute girl. Looks like my niece when she was younger. My only suggestion would be that since this seems like a shot you set up, next time try to make sure that she doesnt have lose strands of her on her cheeks. But i think youve got the exposure and composition down well. Nice job.

    Space walk


    Greta image. Truely a zen thing. My only suggestion would be to crop a bit off the top and saturate the colors jsut a bit. Ive attached a version of my suggestion. Great timing.



    Very nice composition but i also agree its been saturated too much, and not just the sky. If you tone it down a little, it would be great.





    Great colors and use of repitition. My only suggestion would be to crop out just a little off the top so as not to see the last row of plates on the top left. Besides that, well done.

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