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Image Comments posted by esau_b.


    I like the simplicity of the composition. And the texture/noise? in the sky is a great addition and adds to the appeal of the photo. Well done.
  1. The point is to take the screw out of your a$$! Chill out already. If you're going to critique someones work a) make sure youre not just injecting your random, personal, negative opinions and tell/show them how they can improve the shot; b) make sure youve got at least SOME good shots in your portfolio so as not to have someone look at it as a whole and ask "What's the point?".


    In conclusion, loose the chip on your shoulder and criticize constructively please.


    Thanks much.





    its a nice detail shot for sure. And the background is not that bad. Though i would suggest cropping just above the left leg so that the left hand leads the eye up to the right without the excess "weight" of the thigh. Also, maybe its just my monitor, there seems to be a bit of a red cast to the image. Ive attached a version of my suggestions. Regardless of these suggestions, its a lovely shot.

  2. Stephen,


    This is a great photo. Love the colors and composition. Only thing that i'd suggest is making sure that your horizon line is horizontal at all times, unless youre going for some visual effect. Other than that, well done.



    Nudes of men and women is a subject matter that most people have a hard time of talking about, especally nudes of men. I had asked the same question on this site in a forum and was amazed at the responses.


    But thats not the point here. The point is the nice photograph that she's captured here. Keep up the good work.


    p.s...i already look like that ;o)

  3. Beautiful silhoutte. Love the colors of the sky. I would suggest cropping out the water and making the mountains in the back the same colors as the cliff to place more emphasis on the 2 important subjects here: the sky and the cliff/trees. Ive attached a version of my suggestion. Regardless of that, its a lovely photo. Keep it up.



    Looks very cool. Not too keen on the black/goldish stuff on the bottom .Would have been better either filled up with the red or black to mimick the other side of the photo. Regardless of that, its very interesting. What is it?





    I really like the photo very much for it's composition and the color. A few suggestion would be to have included that last bit of the feather on the left side of the frame. Also, it could have used a bit more focus on the eye or somewhere around ther since it's the main subject matter. Besides those, i think its a great animal abstract.

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