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Image Comments posted by terri1

    Bull vs. Man**

    I read with interest your thoughts. Now I see that speaking very bluntly (which would be considered rude in the culture I grew up in) you do not see as rudeness, but is what you would prefer. I will do so when we next meet :) regards -

    Bull vs. Man**


    First, let me apologize for going somewhat off-topic with my comment. I don't disagree with your reply. I don't know whether it's wise to try and explain myself, but I'll will anyway & you feel free to delete.


    I welcome and enjoy the people from different countries that come not only to the Rodeo, but also to visit this lovely area in general. My irritation comes with people who come to stay, benefit from the free education for their children, enjoy being able to see a doctor regardless of ability to pay, and choose to do things like calling out "F--- America, viva Mexico!" during our national anthem. (that did not happen this year, but did last year). It's their choice/right to do so, but my choice to be offended by it.


    Lest you feel I'm a white elitist of some kind, I'm not. I am of mixed blood, my dad being various western european, and my mother pacific islander/hawaiian. My grandfather came to Hawaii from the Philipines to cut sugar cane, thus making a better life for his family. They had a better life here than the one they left. He was grateful, and so were we. When I am in another country, I like to be a "good" or respectful guest. When in Canada, I stand for their national anthem, tho I don't sing or place my hand over my heart. I'd never dream of screaming out obscenities regarding that country and then yell "USA number 1!!" I try to respect the local beliefs and way of life when I go somewhere else, and I don't expect the world around me to constantly provide the way of life I'm used to. I've also been poor enough to go without eating for days in order to put gas in my car so I could go to work, and I understand poverty and what it feels like.


    I think my problem is not one of patriotism, but of common courtesy. After last year, I shouldn't have been surprised, but I'd forgotton and was indeed surprised again. If people choose to stay seated I don't have a problem with that - but when people call out obscenities and do everything they can to draw your attention and show you how much they 'don't care', I AM bothered. I'm sure my thinking is colored by having lived in Salinas for several years recently. I wanted a more tranquil life, so I moved. I don't know whether I managed to convey my feelings fully, but I tried. Best wishes -


    shoot - you're right! I think it means I need to go to bed already - ha! I certainly had enough room not to cut off his little hooves - thank you for pointing that out :)

    Bull vs. Man**

    I don't know if you experienced this at all while you were there... On Sunday during the playing of our national anthem, I was surprised/bothered/perplexed - several emotions. Behind me I noticed some men - hats on their heads, remaining seated. I looked around and saw more here and there. A couple of them gave me what appeared to be angry, defiant looks when I glanced at them. I wish now I'd taken a picture, because the snapshot I have in my mind of that moment was powerful. Ah....hindsight.


    Probably noone else will like this one! I was taking pictures of the rodeo action, when I suddenly realized that one of the riders was sitting a few rows ahead of me. I wondered what he was thinking/feeling as he watched the others ...



    This calf roper is off to a good start, noose in place right out of

    the box. Guess I could have cloned out the background stuff, but

    didn't want to over-process. Comments/critique welcome

    Bull vs. Man**

    I love this shot, John! At first I wondered how in the world you got so close, but my question was answered on your other rodeo shot :) I was there Sunday & had a VIP pass, but not a media pass (which I'm determined to get next year - ha!) so my pics are from a ways up in the stands. Anyhow, I'm quite jealous - this is some good action. Best wishes - T

    Steer Wrestling

    Thank you, Neil! It is the most fun I've had so far this summer & I already can't wait till next year :) I like this one & I'm glad you did too. (I'm beginning to itch for a longer lens now, though - ha!)

    85 past

    to me the PS work done to the skin looks very good, especially on males with strong features or wrinkles. I haven't been able to achieve that look yet, but you've done it very well and it's a striking portrait.

    Calf Roping

    Thank you, Sky! I had a great time taking the shot. (I think the Fox channel was there taping - I'm sure those advertisers were loving it!)

    Bull Riding

    Lol - I had a BLAST! Despite record heat here, I was in photo heaven. Luckily, I had a VIP pass, which let me into the comfortably cool tent area with lots of cold drinks. I did, however turn green w/ envy as I saw some guy with a media pass saunter up nice & close with his big white lens. I'm still scheming as to how I can get my hands on one of those (media pass) for next year.... Have lots of shots to go thru still, so will be putting more up for the next few days - yeeeeeeehaw!

    Bull Riding

    Ken! I actually thought about you and zooming while I was there, but with the extremely sunny day my shutter speeds were fairly fast & I never did try it out. Wish I had, but this was PS (I'm think I put it in the details). I felt it needed something to help with the busy background...


    Using the zoom blur worked well to take care of the elements that might otherwise have been distracting, leaving all the focus on your subject. Very nice!

    A Hard Fall


    He's about to hit hard after flying up and back over the rump.

    Afterward, he lay motionless and was taken away by ambulance on a

    backboard. I was relieved to hear on the news later that he should

    have a full recovery!

    Bull Riding


    Shot at the California Rodeo in Salinas. This is the first time I've

    seen a bull rider wearing a safety helmet - not pretty, but I sure

    don't blame them!

    Steer Wrestling


    Taken at the California Rodeo in Salinas - I was very happy they

    stayed mid-arena so I didn't have a busy background to deal with!

    Comments welcome

    Bronco Bustin'


    I would have preferred that the other rider not have been so close,

    and for less clutter in the background, but I did like the pose of

    horse & rider. Comment/critique welcome

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