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Image Comments posted by kiwirob



    I appreciate you guys putting fingers to buttons and giving me some of your time. thanks.

    Anthony, can you explain the 'muddy' blacks? Is that on the walkway itself or the railings fading into a blob, or something else perhaps? I'd hate to miss the meaning here. Thanks kindly.


    ..Heh, after reading your views upon cliche, Anthony, I'm chuffed to bits you think I managed to stay on the right side of it ;-)


    Around the corner


    I might have tried a little bit closer to the floor here mate, on one knee with that nice fat boulder right at the front getting a little more attention. Otherwise a pleasing a shot.

    Not to offend any Calgarians, but is it a dump? you seem surprised to see a quiet spot, heh.


    I wasn't too sure about that jetty thing either , but finally I figured I might leave it in to try and guage a concensus on it (who liked and who didn't). thanks for the feedback as always fella.



    heh, I hadn't clocked that until you mentioned it (at first I was thinking 'Head?.. it's asome steps what the...?' but I see what you mean now.

    I love the way you can think you have everything about your shot worked out and yet people can still bring something new to it, even for the photographer.

    thanks for the comments mate.



    ha, I know the feeling - love taking photos but hate being on the receiving end of it.

    In the other shots you posted the expression was nice and the shot even and everything worked well, and gave you a pleasing photo - but neither the colour or b&w had as much character of were as engaging as this.

    I'm not a portraits person as yet (its on the list but the list is soooo long) but it seems you have a fair grasp, apparently the essential element is to put people at ease and show a side of them that is away from the static, rigid poses - which you've caught quite nicely here.

    The only thing I would suggest is maybe some reflected light to soften the dark shadow under her cheek bone.

  1. I love travelling and I love the sights you can get whilst doing it - like this one, such a lovely morning view with everything so apparently peaceful down below. Wish they'd clean those windows a bit more though aye? heh.

    My only problem is I dislike flying in big planes, so I don't see this first hand that often so thanks for putting some up for perusal.

    Oh and btw, I hope its warm in the cocoon, its winter down this end of the world ;-)

    Who'd have thought Manchester could look so nice, heh.

    Seaside #2


    Thanks for the feedback guys. Much appreciated.

    Adan, there certainly were a lot of gulls around at the time but I think there was a small jutting rock out in the distance and the little white dot is a wave breaking on it.

    a coupla trees


    Thanks for the tips mate! I only recently picked up my Dad's old film camera so have no kit at all for it, just a 50mm lens with UV filter on the end, so this was in one of the first reels trying to see what the different settings would come out like. Yellow-Green you say, hmmm? well alrighty then, I'll go get me one of them - I'm holding you personally responsible for all future bad shots now though you understand? (hehe)

    As for developing, I haven't done any of my own as yet but its on the cards so I'll bare your words in mind. Thanks again.



    thanks for the comments lads, much appreciated - I'll be taking a look at both of your stuff soon as I get a chance.

    Yeah I wasn't too sure if I prefered the straight on or the cropped, I like this one as a geometric piece as it just seemed to fit so well, but as a pleasing photo it doesn't work quite as nicely for me.

    domestic light


    More testing of film with indoor lighting. woke up early and saw this

    view round a mates house so thought it might work well with the

    contrasts and lines/shapes. Any thoughts?

    a coupla trees


    Just testing out different films and settings - TriX 400, can't

    remember the setting, but could have done with being a bit faster on

    the shutter for that sky.

    Mammary Glandys


    quite a nasty little shot you have here mate, disquieting, but it made me come in and look a little closer. I like the way you can take different messages from it depending on what view point you start with - for me what initially jumped out (apart from a handful of tits) was the 'is this all we see?' kinda angle..... a commentary on male views of females in modern society as peddled by an increasingly shallow media?


    heh, or maybe its just early and I'm thinkin too much and you were just peeing about in PS. Either way, I admire the end result even if I don't like it.

    Old town


    nice shot mate, as has been said its got a nice lead with some great front and back elements.

    I especially like the way your eye takes a virtual walk around the place, starting on the dark little street that leads to the front set of greenery. you then take a short stroll to the right and head on up the avenue into gord knows where. Its kept me looking for a pleasing amount of time.

    One thing I might have tried whilst there, although they don't detract from the shot and add to it on one level I might have tilted down slightly to get a little more foreground and cut it off before the hills in the background. This may have added a touch more 'drama' compositionally (or not perhaps) and locked the viewer into a perpetual walkabout with no escape into the countryside (if ya catch me drift).

    Nice shooting as always mate, and on a filmy too? did you develope yourself? I recently went full circle to start looking at film and its a whole new world. Looking forward to seeing more.


    sweet capture mate, as has been said I really like the sense of height, they really tower above. A good example of odd numbers working very well in compositions, gives a really good balanced feel to it. Nice one.
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