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Image Comments posted by kiwirob

  1. a great approach giving maximum emphasis to the subject. I also prefer it to the original which, although a nice snap, doesn't compare in terms of impact or interest.
  2. a cool idea and nice capture of the water/glass/apple, although perhaps a tiny bit faster on shutter speed would have given them a nice crisp, frozen in time aspect.

    The only thing I'm not so hot on is the placing - its not complementing the setup, in my opinion.

    I'm not saying it should be a plain background like a studio setting; I really like that it isn't clinical and has a 'real' feel, but I think the one you've chosen isn't doing it justice. Perhaps some other angles or locations would work better... assuming you have a mop handy ;-)

    Hope that is in some way helpful. Cheers, Rob


    a great atmosphere and a simple composition with repeating patterns make it a nice shot. I like the noisey grain through it and that you haven't blown out any of the highlights in, what appears to be, a tricky exposure.

    lone fisherman


    I don't like it, but I'm not sure if it works compositionally. Does

    the small element of foreground interest help it along or should the

    bottom half just disappear altoghether?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


    great skin tones and expression but I can't find a sharp point of focus, its all a little too soft, for me. She has nice eyes which would have benefited from standing out more.

    Dawn of the Ants


    great light and composition with an excellent balance between the foreground background and also between the 2 ants as well.

    Makes me think of the old lovers walking in to the sunset shots, heh.

    Cheers, Rob.

  3. I'm not getting any sense of event or occasion here, and as someone who doesn't immediately recognise the man on the card there is nothing to indicate support or to enable me to think of a rally. Perhaps as one in a series where the other shots give more detail for the viewer it would sit better, but it would need to be seen alongside them in order to muster an emotional response.

    I hope that is helpful. Cheers, Rob


    a lovely lively shot, but I would like to have seen one of the faces sharp. I know this isn't always possible due to placement and other considerations at time of shooting but it would have rounded it off perfectly, for me.



    I can't decide which of the 2 in the series I like more. I rekon this could maybe work better getting rid of the left hand side as it isn't really adding much and you could then get the lines sweeping in from the corner.


    edit: ok, so there are wayyyy more than 2 in the series, heh. I only saw the 2 posted up now. Nice work.

    Breaching Whale 2


    a lucky moment in a big place, a shot to cherish for sure.

    For composition I'd cut off some of the sky though; you have the horizon pretty much dead centre, probably right down to the top most bird. This would then bring the whale nicely into the bottom third and help add drama and lend to the feeling of movement within the frame.

    Cheers, Rob.



    I'm thinking maybe just a little too dark here mate, perhaps a little larger aperture or higher ISO just to bring out a few more details across the rocks... I'm all for moody and dark but I'm straining in spots here, ie: the foreground is kinda merging into one.

    I love the way the water looks though and the blend up to the sky is pleasing to the eye.

    cheers, Rob

    Tower Bridge


    A nice night capture, you've managed to keep the lights from blowing out, still got a fair amount of detail in the structure and maintained a nice moody effect. The deep shadow at the top adds to it as well.

    Just as an aside.... it is Tower Bridge..



    such a glorious picture. excellent composition of leading lines coming from light and dark (left and right) up the figure and up from the tree. The unusual stance; as though she is just about to step forward and has put her weight over one side, and captivating expression on the woman is great with the costume being beautiful in itself. The other worldly feel from the out of focus scenery just rounds it all off.

    I don't usually gush for a shot, but this really got me.

  4. I like the idea and the fact you have to give it more than cursory attention to notice everything in there, also the elements making up the shot have a pleasing quality, I'm just sorry to say I don't like them particularly when all put together... there is just too much going on with nothing leading the eye around the shot.

    Hope that is helpful. Cheers, Rob.

    Torino 2006

    i like the effect you have going, but i'm feeling the main focus of the shot is lost within the effect (if that makes sense), perhaps making the skier and spray more prominent by losing some of the foreground and right hand side would help bring out the speed and drama. Cheers, Rob
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