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Image Comments posted by kiwirob



    you certainly can! I was wondering whether it might be a little dark, but then I thought that the contrasts between white and dark areas would work. To be honest I think I'm going to have to buy one of those screen spider things to calibrate my monitor at home - I do the adjustments there and then come to work and I've lost half the image (my 'misty morning' ones are a good example where I lost the left side) to the dark side.

    But thank you, I appreciate the feedback and I'll take another crack at it when I get home.

    Cheers, Rob.



    I really like the image on the right, its evocative with an engaging erxpression and pose, I also like the slightly underexposed face standing out against the over exposed background.

    The image on the left however is just not working for me as it is very dark with a heavily burned sky (consequently the balance is lost) and the pose/expression etc is not looking natural. Perhaps some fill in flash would have brought out some more details and given some contrasting areas in the model?

    A nice idea, but I think in this instance the single photo would work much better on its own.



    Its not exactly the most riveting shot but I think it achieves a nice

    balance and a multitude of complimentary lines. Any thoughts on that?

    Thanks, Rob

  1. as has been said, a lovely composition with nice bold leading lines. Theres an unfortunate shadow spoiling things for me a touch, on the darkest panel, but such is the pesky weather aye? heh. I'd like to see it b&w too, I think the tones would compliment very well in such a medium. Nice shot



    For some reason it won't come out at the right size - view larger

    seems to be ok though.

    Thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Thanks, Rob


    you're right.. it is sharp, but it was that eye that was gettin me too. But on a second look it compliments the baubles of water nicely by looking like it is magnified through a bubble



    trully the strangest looking thing aint it?

    A lovely shot of a great subject, that dew (or squirting) is just great, but I would like to see it a little sharper. Cheers, rob

  2. its nice to get a feel for the location, as the title suggests, but it has left you with a tiny main subject. Personally, I'd prefer to see it zoomed up to just focusing on the window/shutters and the lady of the moment without so much of the bottom half of the shot (but thats just me).

    Hope thats of some use. cheers, Rob



    as a general rule of thumb for landscape composition, you can try and use the 2/3rds rule - having the horizon on the line at either the lower or higher 1/3rd of the frame rather than the centre.

    You have caught interest in the sky with the well exposed clouds and coming in from the left is a nice leading line pointing towards the areas of interest (the horizon).

    Usually such an expanse of water is deemed as uninteresting, as far as composition is concerned - most resources would lead you to fill the fore ground with something that breaks it up and leads the eye up the frame (ie: rocks or converging lines of a road, wake of a boat, etc) - but you've quite nicely caught a gull flying up along the same line as the land.

    Hope that is of some use ;-)

    cheers, Rob



    hi, everyone starts green ;-)

    As it stands, you have a nice snapshot there, but if you'd perhaps got on your knee and shot a little of the floor and top step and then used the path heading outwards, using the lower branches of those two trees as a frame would have focused the attention more and given some leading lines to draw the eye up the frame.

    The sky is a little burned out, over exposed, so you could have either metered off the sky or, as with the above suggestion, just cut it out of the shot entirely.

    Theres just 2 of a huge list of alternatives. Hope its helpful.

    Cheers, Rob

    The plane


    you'll love it if you do mate!

    looks like that building was reflecting a ton of light, so nicely metered to stop everything from blowing out.

    I'm in two minds about whether or not I'd keep quite as much of the foreground, but a nice shot none the less.

    cheers, Rob


    I think perhaps if the cake had been blown and the dress had managed to stay..er.. unblown, would have been better, it would have had some degree of leading in rather than a bit of a splog where you can't quite discern where cake ends and dress begins. Aside from that, the tilt and expressions etc make for a worthy shot - it has a certain magazine quality to it.
  3. a nicely setup shot and cool concept, but the only thing thats not going right, for me, is his arm. It makes for a distracting background against the face - maybe lowered or at a different angle would sit better. Hope thats helpful. cheers, Rob
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