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Image Comments posted by kiwirob

  1. it works nicely as an almost abstract; the geometry fitting together well and being kinda relaxing on the eye (it isn't pulled all over the place). The hard line to smudged also compliment each other with the varying shades of grey resulting in an overall calming effect - for me, at least.

    Is this in Rotterdam? I spent a night there once years ago and went to a TGI Friday on the river and this building just reminds me of the one i could see - I remember feeling i could slide down the lower slope. Haven't thought about it since that day, but this shot sparked the memory. thanks.

  2. such a bare shot; it works really well and captures a lot of the moment without having to rely on much to do it (if that makes much sense). the tamborine looks almost magical not actually being held (i assume his finger is through the hole?). The slight colouring gives it a dash of life. thanks for posting it up.

    Forest Nymph


    i like the fairytale and dreamy quality behind all (5) your shots, but this one just grabs it for me. The staging of the whole thing just fits together seamlessly with some obvious technical flair. I'm not particularly interested in the fashion, but I could sit for a good while and take in the shot.

    night light


    heh, thanks. Expat brit but been here long enough to be able to assume the title ;-)

    Strange, i threw this up as an after thought and was miffed at the bright white dot reflection by the boat and nearly didn't post it at all.... and it is my most rated shot, heh



    i love these sorts of shots - little bits of nothing made into something.
    the view could be anywhere, the iron from any bit of industry, the bird a fairly dull and uniteresting one coming together to make a nicely composed, rather relaxing image.
    I think the black and white makes it more by just putting it into elements rather than something more.
    i like it. a good image that works on a numver of levels.

    The performance


    i can never really get to drips with street+people photography and admire those that can (always feel strange pointing the camera at strangers... something i need to deal with at some point, heh).
    I like this as it has a  number of levels of interest:
    2 foreground musicians
    the cast of onlookers
    the extras in the background
    and what the hell are those volumes at the front?
    -lots of interest and life.
    I also like the position of the violin player - centre stage with the lighting highlighting the instrument itself.

    works for me anyway.

  3. i like this as it fulfils the requirements of an abstract nicely - I don't know what it is. It keeps me interested searching for the focal point and the composition having a nice bit of depth at the bottom stops it from being a little...dry? (might not be the best term but I hope the meaning is conveyed). a nice image that keeps the eye entertained roaming through it.

  4. I'm glad you had a good rumage and pulled it out of your old shots.

    i like the image for the subject matter (I like tattoos, but even so..) and the way it has been captured, the square format works nicely, the 'yeah, what?' pose, the wary/curious/judgmental eye of the onlooker. It all works nicely but it lacks a context - for me.

    I know that the subject matter is possibly context enough but it feels like this is more of the shot in front of the plain canvas that you mentioned in an earlier post.

    As a street capture I would perhaps like to get a feel for the bustling street he is standing in, which i only really know about because i read the posts. You mention he is overt and it sounds like he is very comfortable in his surroundings but I'm left wondering what they are (never having been to south america) and don't get a sense of that confidence(*).

    Picky possibly, but that is what originally struck me.

    All the best. Rob.

    (*) the confidence within his surroundings as opposed to his self confidence showing himself off (if that make sense)


  5. an interesting capture, i like it for the opposites within it: the fierce emotion in the main subject's face compared with the lack, almost, of anything in the rest of the crowd's expressions. The peace signs against the clenched fists.

    Always makes me wonder; the lengths people will go to in order to put/keep their point of view as the dominant one.

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