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cyrus khamak

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Image Comments posted by cyrus khamak



    The technicians would probably have something to argue about here but the artists would make comments like the one made above. I especially like how you composed this in regards to the window elements. I am not sure how it would work out but I would totally remove the remnance of the over exposed garden out


    Here, I just did it and I, personally like it this way as well.


    I do wish you and your family a very happy holiday season.

    Best wishes.




    I told you, you didn't need any schooling, I saw it coming!


    Very nicely done and I like the lighting here specially in ht eyes which makes it a very effective portrait for me.


    I wish you a happy holiday season and a very happy 2007.


    Kind regards.

    3 cylinders


    This is REALLY good Rafik.This is where your talent is, forget about the out of reach birds for a while!


    I like everything about this image specially your fabulous capture, DOF, tones and specially color transitions, well done The placement of the fragrance works fine for me as well specially choosing the silver candle on the top, nice job!


    Keep it up man!

    Woodland Celebration


    It does look christmasy and Merry Christmas to both of you.


    Good focus and you also have the foreground in focus which is a good thing. Also you seem to have a good exposure under the harsh sun and your WB looks fine :)



    I can see how soon you will be exactly where you want to be. This is really good. I like the pose, lighting and the whole set up. What a great idea with the can. I did something like that once with egg crates. Oh, and a pretty model as well.


    For some reason the eyes look a bit soft on my monitor but I know that they can't be. Besides, I'm not as crazy about sharpness as some of us seem to be.



    I'm going to mention this so much that you'll eventually start doing it just to get rid of me, take raw shots!! ;)



    You are doing fine withe this tilt shooting. I think it works here as well. I like the pose and position of the hand is helping balance the composition, i believe. You have to start taking photos in raw format and I think it will help you out quite a bit in things like WB and exposure.


    Thank you for the rating and nice comment on my Macro. The rating system here is hijacked I couldn't give satisfaction to all those who put down 3/3 on that photo. One was OK but 3 3/3's was NOT! :) I may upload again.


    Kind regards and have a Happy Holiday.

  1. Yes, I agree with Jim and his comment. The tilt doesn't bother me much specially if the camera was rotated to the left a tad. I love it the way it is too but I think the big patch of grass on the lower right corner may have to go.





    Very fine capte. I like the skin tones and the shades look great! I may be tempted to think about cropping it from the top just a tad, down to the tip of the pocket on the hat.


    Cheers and happy holidays.



    the kind comment. He is actually very good at it and has been featured in a couple of Swedish magazines, only if he gets his mind on the ball!


    Kind regards.

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