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cyrus khamak

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Image Comments posted by cyrus khamak



    The main point is that your clients like what you do and they spread the word around. Most often a regular client doesn't notice what photographers may see as flaws. Having said that, I have always asked people to give me their honest opinions. I have told then that I had received enough compliments from friends and family. Their kind words make me feel better but thier true feelings make me a better photographer.



    My impression of you is that you will make an excellent photographer and you are almost there. You have the two most important ingredient, the enthusiasm and the eye and you will soon find and aknowledge the artist in you.



    One thing that you may want to practice though, tahe any compliment that comes from a friend, with a grain of salt. Just look around here. whenever you see a group of friends connected and comment on one another's photo, you SELDOME see a constructive comment no matter how much improvement may be needed to make it a better image.


    Best wishes.




    This is fine. The white table cloth in the background is fine as well. I'd probably clone out that small spec of white in the upper right corner.



    the look


    First off, the image is under exposed and you know why, your bright background. A small fill flash would have been helpful and would have put some highlights on the hair as well.


    Second, tilt shooting kid of works here but in general be judicious about using it.


    Third, the composition on this one could be more effective as you have some space behind her head that is not adding to your framing and as a matter of fact, it draws my eyes away from the "look". Overall, you have done a good job and I admire your thirst for improving your skills.





    Personally, for me, this shot does not work that well. The lady in the foreground doesn't seem to belong in the frame. Is this photo about her or about the make up activity and if it's about all three of them, I don't see much of interaction or relevancy. besides, it usually doesn't work that well when you have an out of focus person in the foreground covering most of the frame.


    If the focus was in reverse and the person in the forground was in focus it would have indicated some kind on connection to what's going on in the background or simply, it would have been a nice photo of her.





    What a beautiful shot, framed and captured nicely. The look of the dog in the direction of the "master" is what makes this shot work for me.

    I hope you don't mind but I cropped off the spot of ground in the lower right corner.




    "Call It Even"


    Not too easy with that prime, to locate your target, frame it nicely and snap at the right time, a great catch!


    Just for your consumption, I think it deserves a 7 at least for aesthetics as I see nothing wrong with this cature but I'm tired of giving you 7s!!


    I also think you have raised the bar for yourself by giving us all this exceptional captures!



    Autumn colors #2


    Nice one here too Razvan and the composition works fine for me as the trees on the left leads me to yet another batch of hot colors. On my monitor though, it looks a tiny bit on the cooler side.




    Very fine job my friend and nicely framed. With all that dificaulty, you were able to get a good exposure and beautiful saturated colors.



  1. I can see the love and enthusiasm you have for the only Sun in our solar system and I share your feelings!


    Tuff shot again and I think you have done pretty well. I like the warm tones with the smooth transition between the lovely tones. I also like the few rays of light, spreading from behind the upper cloud, you have been able to capture and a good capture on the exposed part of the sun.


    Your other captures are fine as well and the composition fine. The only recommendation that I can make is to work on your framing to make even better composition.


    Also, if you have a longer lens, try to get closer to the Sun and capture it as it goes down to hide behind the mountains.



    Mega Fly

    I thank you for the generous comment. I have had a couple of magazines interested but they needed the full size file and I wasn't sure I was ready to do that. I also have a couple proposal and suggestions for a series of these of a particular subject for which I have to do more shooting! I thank you again for the interest.

    I REALLY do appreciate your visit and the very generous comment on this and many other photos of mine. your thoughtful input has been truly encouraging and inspiring all along.

    Dear gerardo,
    How delightful it is to see you stop by and commenting so kindly.
    Best regards to all.

    Moth on my finger


    In Cs or Cs2 only, click on image, adjustments, shadow/highlights but be careful as this is good tool but also could make your file look lifeless.


    If you see only two sliders, click on "more option' and you'll have a list of sliders.


    The first slider, "amount" will tell you basically how much you want to dig into the shadow area and the second, tonal width, tells you how bright you want them. Don't worry about the third one for now.


    The forth slider, "amount" tell you how much you want to recover the highlights and the fifth one, "tonal width" will tell you how deep you want to go into tones, more to the right, will darken deeper and deeper tones. All the way to the left, will darken only the very bright areas. Don't worry about the 6th slider, "radius'. Also, don't worry about color correction but yu MAY want to experience with "mid tone contrast'. I also sharpened the file and if you want to know how, let me know.


    Hope that helps.







    I don't care about his "goofy" expression but you have done well, very well in fact and I would have liked havg this in my portfolio. The tiny over exposure doesn't other me either. The bright window on the very top could have been dulled down I suppose but not a problem either.



    "Off to a Race"


    Your confidence must be going through the roof and your hear made of gold to be willing to give satisfaction to these guys to put down 21 3s and 4s on photos like this! I really would like to challenge them one by one to take shots such as this.



    My Sister


    You have a very pretty young lady for a sister and this is a good photo of her with a sweet pose and smile. I hope you don't mind but I thought it was suffering from a bit of under exposure in some areas on the face and needed a bit of color correction.


    Kind regards.

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