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cyrus khamak

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Image Comments posted by cyrus khamak



    Thank you for stopping by, apprecite your opinion. I agree with you about the over expose photo although it actually looks better in a large, poster size print.


    lond regards.



    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.


    This is the Trinity Church in Boston, MA. It's in the heart of the Coply square, next to John Hancock building. You have been to Boston, right?





    I feel privileged that you and all other friends here are participating. Thank you for the time you spent to re crop this.
    in deed I did try that crop. In fact, it was the first try. Neither the parents nor I liked the crop. The parents said, "oh, I like to keep the hair, specially the where it curls up in the back". I did not care for the crop for the following reasons:
    I too wanted to keep the hair. besides, something about the original post that gives Arman a total presence. I like the position of the shoulder and I like to keep that too. To me it's one of the essential part of the pose and the composure and it defines the angle of shot better which I think is a good thing. Also, to me, the original post, the way it's composed, DOES not distract from the eyes which is my main point of focus and that what's matter most.
    Rules are fine but you DO have to break them to your advantage when you think it helps you express yourself better and we do have to do things the way WE want them to be done sometimes and NOT what is expected. It's like when you take a driver's licence test. If you don't hold the steering wheels in a certain position, you'll fail the test but after you have passed the test, you drive the way that seems safest and most comfortable for you.
    Also, what I don't care much about your frame is the bright highlight which I think distract from the eyes.
    Thank you again and posted these two images along side of one another for better viewing

    I'll appreciate anyone else's input as well.Best wishes.


    The Poser


    Outstanding composition Mary, I like this one the best of your squirrel shots. Where you placed this guy in the frame and the way you used the stone to take us to him is a big leap in the right direction.


    The DOF used here is also very nice and along with the pose makes this an excellent photo for me.





    For some reasons this is a difficult bird to photograph but you have done quite well, excellent job. The composition also works very well for me.



    Swan of the Castle


    are those trees or footings of a bridge, dock? Whatever they are, I like the effect alot. Also like the fact that you took the time to let the head and shoulder align with one of those shadow lines, very good my friend!


    Kind regards.



    Merci vase eenkeh comment gozashti. Age to ham emkanate mano dashti, aksat ehtemalan az eenham beftar bood, really!


    Best wishes.


    (Translation) Thank you for the comment. If you had the same opportunity as I do, your photos would probably be even better.



    I thank you for the feed back. Since you are talking about the framing, I suppose by "the original" you mean the one all the way on the top!!


    I never claimed to be a "framer", so you may be right about the frame not best fitting the photo.


    Kind regards.

    Mega Fly


    I do hope you get the tubes from Santa, just make sure that your husband knows about it too!!

    Kenko tubes would do the job fine and you, I mean Santa, can buy the set for less than $100.00 on the net. I do hope you get them as I would love to see more and closer Macros from you. It's fun, a lot of fun and you'll never look at a fly the same way as you have, anymore. Besides, Darwin will also be flattered!!


    Mega Fly


    I'm so delighted you stopped by, very nice to meet you.
    Here, this is how it goes for me:
    Often times if I have enough exposure for let's say an ISO of 200 at a certain aperture, I'll move on to a higher ISO setting but overexpose. I do this more often with my Fuji S3 than I do with my D70 or I did with my 20D

    Why more with the S3, because I want to take advantage of it's special photo site arrangement, something that a vast majority of Fuji users don't realize and ignore. As you may already know, S3's sensor and the sensors of Fuji's more advanced non DSLR cameras have two sets of photo sites on their sensors, think of it as two sensors for the sake of simplicity. Fuji S3 has 6MP of photo sites that are more sensitive to mid tones and darker tones and 6 MP that are more sensitive to highlights and upper mid tones.By over exposing the shot, I simply make the highlight sensitive part of the sensor work harder.
    Now, my own assessment is that S3 gives you a cleaner shot at ISO 800 than D200 does and with the method above, I get an even cleaner shot with considerably more detail in the mid tones and below.
    The following shot is a heavy crop of a larger experimental shot I did for you this morning. The full exif should be there, at least in the first shot. The second image I'm posting is a combination of three shots I took at three different ISO settings of 200.400 and 800. All parameters were the same except for the fact that I kept the shutter speed the same by over exposing at the higher ISO settings.
    What I am experiencing here, comparing the three shots, is a significant gain in the detail all over at ISO 800. The image at ISO 800 may not show any gain in the noise area but if you were to extract more detail from ISO 200, you'll experience gaining noise as well above and beyond what you have at that ISO setting.
    With the fly photo above, I did not have the luxury of light. So I over exposed by 1/2 a stop, did shadow recovery and local noise reduction.
    Now, you may want to do the same experiment as bellow and let us know if it works for you as well. I hope my answer is satisfactory. All three shots were taken in raw and converted with the same exact parameters in ACR except for the fact that I reduced the exposure by the same amount that I had over exposed originally. No further post process was done except for resizing and putting the text on them.
    The shots were taken in dim natural light. dim enough to get a 1/15 exposure at an aperture of 1.4!Best regards.

    Mega Fly


    I am not laughing but rather I'm delighted you did that. Delighted not necessarily due to the fact that you changed your ratings, all decided and thought over all by yourself, but rather for the educational purposes. If I for example get a fair rating, that means that you have made a fair and informed judgement in your evaluation.
    Yes, I am puzzled by some of us who rate most everything with a pair of 6s indiscriminately. As you'd probably agree, this does not provide any sort of helpful feedback.

    I applaud you Mary for rethinking your ratings, I too do it often. As we grow and mature in our field of interest, our judgements improves and we may realize that may have over evaluated or under evaluated work of others. It seems to be a fair practice to reevaluate from time to time, not only to benefit the recipient of the reevaluation but also to dignify ourselves with a better sense of evaluation and judgement.
    I also agree with you that our dislike for a subject matter should not influence our judgement in evaluation. If one does not like, understand or care for a Macro shot of a fly, it's best to move on to other stuff and there are plenty of great work around.

    I live in Mass Mary and also been to NH many times and I kind of know your neck of woods!!
    Kind regards.


    Beautiful colors and fine detail on this shot. It looks like old parchment!
    Thank you for the kind comment on my photo Fatal Attraction where you wrote the following:Nice... Maybe you should try to shoot the bgr, also... I think it would help a lot... You should check this page: http://exo-terra.com/EN/nactus/voting.html The contest is over, but you should check it next year...
    The winner of the Exo Terra Nactus Award will get to join the Exo Terra Gabon 2007 Expedition as the expedition?s official photographer
    p.s. The vote is on until January 1st 2007... My image is No.6 ... Maybe you can also spare some time to vote...
    First and foremost, I appreciate you pointing me to this site. I don't present my photos anywhere and I should!
    Second, I'd like to know what your concern is about the background and that would help. Someone else had suggested that the bgnd should be vivid colors which I do not agree as it would dominate the subjects and that's not what you and I would probably want.
    Sorry for leaving a comment here. I have a new portfolio and it has not been combined with the old one yet. And yes, I'ddefinitely go vote!
    Kind regards.
  1. Beautiful capture Satish. I don't think I have seen one of these noble animals this upclose!

    Thank you for the kind comment on my photo Fatal Attraction I have a new gallery which has not been combined with the old one yet.

    Kind regards.

    Mean look!

    They are mean and it looks intimidating here as well.
    Thank you for the kind comment on my photo Fatal Attraction I have a new portfolio and it has not been combined with the old one yet.
    No, the shot was captured as described ant NOT in studio. The only source of main light was the florescent light in the place.
    Kind regards.
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