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cyrus khamak

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Image Comments posted by cyrus khamak

  1. This is probably one of the shinier jewel in your crown! The framing is excellent and the mood it has created puts you right on the scene. An exemplary shot of an overcast day presented through the aperture of a beautifully composed arch which in itself brings the graphic elements together.


    The tonal range and the DR you have achieved is simply impressive and yes, keen observations by MM Meehan. The little golden dog (your dog, I think) does indeed present a fresh twist in the story. A well deserved 7/7 from me.


    Kind regards.



    It is always a privilege to have your informed input on my work. Your technical knowledge and understanding of your tools makes easy to discus issues and learn.


    Your keen observations here has brought me to realize that I did in fact make a mistake in my typing the aperture used. The real aperture as I have known and checked again is indeed 2.4, great observation.


    There was not much set up for this shot and and a few more taken that night as the child is very active and constantly moving about. For this particular shot I was laying on the floor. The light on the face comes from a table lamp and the light in the back, from a dining room chandelier. To get a cleaner file at ISO 800, I over exposed to up to a stop and turn it down in conversion and it works well for shadow detail and possible noise.


    Great input from you.


    Kind regards.



    Mega Fly


    Thanks for commenting again and also thank you for the link. I just happened to have a shot of that spider in my archives and I just posted it. I will respond throughly to you in a short while and in much more detail about ins and outs of macro shots. I know what you are doing and that is what threads like this should be about, discussion oriented and educational.


    With warm regards.



    Thank you for the comment and sorry for the delayed response as things have been very hectic around here!


    I'm glad you appreciate my use-non-use flash with low aperture here. I personally prefer this types of exposures and captures to forced flash photography. Yes, it's too late on that thread but still thank you for the link.


    Best regards.

    Farm sunset


    This is a very fine paranoma you have here. I like the dramatic natural sky specially the dark blue tones you have achieved here. The composition is fine to me as well, Good work man!



    The Grand Finale


    Sorry for the delayed response and thank you for the comment. I understand about the limitation of your zoom lens. If you have a 2X converter, it will help you reach closer and the loss in Auto focusing and detail that may come as a result of that, would not matter much in a shot like this as you may prefer to manual focus anyway.


    Yes, underwater shots are fun and I'm planing to give it one more go soon.


    Kind regards.


    I'm glad your batteries died otherwise you'd probably had the sun in your frame too!



    i havn't experimented this yet but the size of the radius of the circle depened on how close or far you are from the poles rather than the exposure time.


    Good try and good results.



  3. Definitely artistic and certainly creative! No fishes for me but I can clearly see the faces, yes two of them. If you have intended what I think you may have, bravo, and if you have not, still bravo as that what real art is, to nurture your imagination.


    Best regards.



    I like this Rachel, a very good concept and composition. Like Oliver mentioned, it is kind of over exposed though. I like the movement in the hair as well. I would definitely try this in B+W, I think it will work better.





    Very fine photo, cheerful and dynamic. I like your composition as well, although I think there is a bit of room that can be lost on the right.


    The colors, although they could be adjusted a bit, are also bright and cheerful that goes with the playful image. I agree with Oliver about the jewelry but the necklace can be cloned out easily. Personally, the only green I I find distracting is the name but that could work at a different level, like in commercial use.


    Like I said, I like the composition but I would crop it on the right up to the elbow.





    Good colors Amir. I suggest you try to aim at your flowers in a way where you have a darker and colorful background. Use a smaller DOF(depth of field) so that you get more interesting results.



    <no subject>


    Very sweet shot of this beautiful young lady. I like the capture and the shallow DOF which works pretty well here. The skin tones are fine and the expression, priceless.


    What are your thoughts on cropiing a bit from the top to bring those pretty eyes more in focus?


    Best regards.

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