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Image Comments posted by wood

  1. I tend to disagree with the comments above regarding composition.  Centering your main subject, the tree, creates a static & boring image leaving no room for the viewer to travel through the scene.  A reshoot placing the tree to one side and changing the perspective of the fence to use it as leading lines would be worth trying.  The presence of the fence creates a visual block to the tree but it does add the contrast of man made geometry with nature.  An improvement would have been to include all of the fence rails instead of cutting off the bottom one.  The parallel lines of the fence in the background is a nice touch.



    Lovely winter shot with simplicity and mood.  I don't know why, but my eye wishes for a little more of the fence on the left, but keeping the off-center position of the gateway.  A little more light on this portion of the image would help as well.  A very minor suggestion for a fine photograph.

    Glenmore Park


    A very pleasing landscape with an interesting color contrast between the sky and water.  I find the plants, especially the light colored ones at the bottom, and at the lower left corner to be a distraction.



    Very interesting and well executed still life.  The lighting is excellent and subtle.  The smoke from the candles is a nice touch.  A very minor suggestion is to have placed the wooden spoon in the pot a little more to the left to completely show the pitcher.  Regardless, this is a fine piece of work.

    Winding road


    This looks like it would be an interesting landscape subject terrain, but unfortunately the sky is so washed out that it detracts from the image.  For this photo, I would crop out as much of the sky as possible while leaving the trees.  And your title suggests that the road is the main subject but you can't see much of it.  For a reshoot (if possible), I recommend finding a higher vantage point to shoot down on the road & eliminate as much of the sky as possible (if it is bland and washed out like this one).  A final suggestion, when shooting landscapes try to place your horizon closer to either the top or bottom of the frame.  A centered horizon is usually considered uninteresting.

    Meal Time - Dig In


    Interesting shot, but I have two suggestions.  The background is too busy.  Decrease your dof or reposition to eliminate the busyness.  Also, there is not enough detail in the main subject and it's too dark.  A fill flash or reflector might have helped.

    Peru, Ill


    Stark landscape with high impact and great tonal range.  This is well suited for B&W.  Composition is excellent and I like the expanse of sky.  Nice work.

    Chess players


    I think a tighter crop would be an improvement, perhaps cropping out much of the blank area on the left and some of the top, placing the two men off to the left of the frame.  The hot area on the wall is also a distraction.  This is a nice photo with interesting subjects.

  2. I'm hoping it is real, but the shaft of light seem unreal.  Regradless, this is a beautiful image with superb composition and lighting.  The light shaft enveloping the tree trunk is amazing.



    Unusual composition with high impact.  I wish for a little more light and detail in the foreground but preserving the stark contrast with the dunes in the background.  Nicely seen.



    Beautiful color and perfect esposure.  The darker areas provide a sense of mystery.  Perhaps it is my monitor, but I wish for more sharpness in the center of the flower.  Regardless, this is a nice peice of work.

  3. Great atmosphere with depth and a secondary subject in the moon.  The car helps add to the mystery and implies a story.  But I am not a fan of the canvas texture, at least online. As a canvas print, I would likely change my mind.  Not sure why . . . ?

     Very nice work.



    An interesting structure but the tree dominates the scene too much to allow the main subject to command attention.  I would have moved to the left to put the tree on the far right and shown more of the structure.  The sky is a little washed out as well so maybe an HDR or stacked exposures may have helped.

    Desert Plant


    I think I understand what you were striving for, but I have a couple of issues with this.  First and most noticable is the cut off branch on the left.  With a small plant like this, it would have been a simple adjustment to include the entire plant.  Secondly, the light is very harsh and, although it creates an interesting shadow pattern, it washes out the color of the plant and causes the dark areas of the plant to compete with the shadows.  Perhaps a diffuser would have helped.  I do like the contrasting colors of the sand and the plant and the overall impact of a living organism struggling to survive in a hostile environment.



    A study in composition, amplified by outstanding tonal range and detail.  One of your best street shots.  I love how the angle of the staircase leads my eye right to the runner.  The graffiti on the wall adds another dimension and commentary.  Very nice work.

    Time off


    Good use of DOF (although I would like to see this with an even shallower DOF), but my eye wishes for something to hold on to; another object or one branch that stands out for example  Still this is an interesting photo and well executed.

  4. Great combination of mystery and physical depth in this photo.  I might suggest either cropping out a little of the tree at the top or very slightly lightening this area to bring out more detail.  A minor suggestion for a very fine image.

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